“I didn’t get a dose from that batch”


“This is a batch of AstraZeneca vaccine on which there is suspicion that it could be potentially related to the appearance of cases of vaccinated people who developed a thrombotic phenomenon, the appearance of blood clots, within ten days after vaccination. The European Medicines Agency has examined these cases and has determined at this time that there is no indication of a causal relationship. “said Valeriu Gheorghiţă, on Antena3.

He said that as of March 9, 22 such cases had been reported to the European Medicines Agency out of about 3 million people vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine.

“The batch on which this suspicion has been raised and which is being evaluated involves approximately 1.6 million doses, which have been distributed in some 17 European countries. I would mention that Romania did not receive doses of this batch “, Valeriu Gheorghiţă also said.

It states that, based on the data it has, “About nine European countries have decided to suspend vaccination” with AstraZeneca, but it is not known whether it is completely discontinued or just the one made with doses from that group.

Valeriu Gheorghiţă specified that in Romania no “significant adverse effects” were reported.

“There are more than 200,000 people vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine. In Romania, no significant adverse effects related to this type of vaccine have been reported. In fact, side effects have been reported more frequently, but they are anticipated, known and local in the world. site of administration and general, and consist of headache, fever, chills, muscle or joint pain, persisting, in fact, for a longer period of time, one to two or three days on average, and improving with the usual treatment with antipyretics and anti-inflammatories.said the head of the anti-Covid vaccination campaign.

He also said that the reactions were “More noticeable in young people compared to people over 60-65 years, who have a lower rate of these side effects and this in fact indicates the reactivity of the young body, which reacts quite quickly to vaccines in general, especially in the case of a vaccine based on a viral vector, it is much more reactogenic ”.

When asked when a decision will be made on a possible suspension of vaccination, Valeriu Gheorghiţă said that the European Medicines Agency is analyzing this situation on Thursday.

“This decision can be taken at any time, as soon as possible, after we have been notified of the reason for the decision of the European states. We are interested in knowing what the reason was, given that at this time the countries that have suspended vaccination are among those who have received doses from the group over which this suspicion of these thrombotic events hangs. The European Medicines Agency is currently examining all reported cases, the 22 cases notified at European level and will shortly make it clear , of course, that this decision will be recommended by the EMA, which has authorized, moreover, the placing on the market of this vaccine “he added.

The head of the vaccination campaign also specified that Romania still has about 200,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine in stock.

Following the notification of certain serious side effects in relation to dosing in batch ABV2856 of the AstraZeneca vaccine, the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) has decided as a precautionary measure to ban the use of this batch nationwide, according to ANSA. .

To date, a causal link between the administration of the vaccine and these adverse effects has not been established.

Denmark also suspended the serum and Danish officials say they have received reports of fatal blood clots, but it is not yet known if there is a link to vaccination.

Officials said they were “acting early” to fully investigate the reports.

Danish Health Minister Magnus Heunicke wrote on Twitter: “As a precautionary measure, the health authorities have suspended vaccination with AstraZeneca following a sign of a possible serious side effect in the form of fatal blood clots. Currently it is not possible to conclude if a connection exists. We act early, we have to investigate thoroughly. ”

Last week, Austria suspended vaccination with a batch of AstraZeneca vaccines after the death of one person and the illness of another. Austria announced that it would suspend immunization as a precautionary measure after the incidents.

“The Federal Office for Health Safety (BASG) has received two reports of vaccinations with the same strain of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the Zwettl district,” Austrian health officials said according to Reuters.

“There is no evidence of a causal relationship to vaccination,” BASG said at the time.

The newspaper “Niederoesterreichische Nachrichten” as well as the ORF and the APA news agency wrote that the two women are nurses at the Zwettl clinic.

According to BASG, blood clotting problems are not one of the known side effects of the vaccine, and research continues to rule out any possible link.

AstraZeneca did not comment on the two incidents.

The vaccine was approved by European Union regulators on January 30, who said the vaccine is effective and safe to use. The side effects seen in the studies were mostly short-lived and no blood clotting problems were reported.

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