I consider myself discriminated against, as a non-religious person


The journalist Cristian Tudor Popescu affirms that he is thinking of challenging in court the 5,000 lei fine he received from the National Council for Combating Discrimination (CNCD) for the article Satan in Cassock.

“I am thinking of challenging this decision in court, as I did in the case of the caped baboon. In that case, the final decision of the court was in favor of the undersigned, having to pay damages of one leu CNCD,” he said. CTP, in an interview for paginademedia.ro.

Two years ago, Cristian Tudor Popescu was fined 1,000 lei by the CNCD for comparing the hairstyle of then-Prime Minister Viorica Dancila to that of a caped baboon. The journalist challenged the decision and won the case.

Read also: Cristian Tudor Popescu was fined 5,000 lei by CNCD for the article “Satan in cassock”

CTP considers that in the editorial “Satanás en casotana” did not discriminate against anyone.

“I did not mean to discriminate against anyone. I did not mean all Orthodox believers, but only those who accept Patriarch Daniel’s statement – The moved relics of Saint Demetrius = Communism fell in 1989.

I also killed that having a limited discernment, susceptible to endangering the health of other citizens, the operation of kissing the plastic under which the relics are located by some believers.

So I did not discriminate. On the contrary, I do not know the reason for this decision of the CNCD. I appeared before the Council and supported my position. I have not received any counterarguments from the board.

I consider myself discriminated, as a non-religious person, a minority, in relation to the vast majority of Orthodox Christians, because I am fined for expressing a reasonably motivated opinion, “he said.

Read what the journalist wrote in the editorial “Satan in the cassock”CTP, on the leader of the Romanian Orthodox Church: “To deceive people, the charlatan Daniel does not need mathematics or logic”
