“I can still get sick at home and there”


The first train with dozens. Romanian who wants to work in Austria He left Timisoara on Sunday night. Cthem more they left to care for the elderly. The Romanian state has ensured that Romanian workers heading to Austria have all the necessary health protection measures during the pandemic, the Transport Minister told Digi24. Lucian Bode. He said there will be other similar transports in the future, depending on requests.

The train that left for Austria passes through Arad-Curtici and will cross Hungary, but will not have any stops until Vienna. It consists of five CFR wagons and five from the Austrian transport company OBB. It is the train that last month caused some controversy and even a harsh reaction from Minister Lucian Bode. This is because the Austrian side announced this transport, while the Romanian side does not yet appear to have been notified.

The approximately 80 Romanians who left for Austria on Sunday formed a line in front of the North Station in Timișoara, respecting the physical distance, then underwent an epidemiological triage by DSP Timiș. Only then were they allowed to access the platform, respecting social distance. For this, at the station, on the platform, special marks were drawn with white paint on the floor, and a sign saying “Keep your distance” was pasted in the middle of the benches.

The departing train had a total capacity of approximately 300-350 seats, but nevertheless only had about 80 passengers. Special measures had to be taken: all wagons are of the berth type and each passenger travels alone. A wagon generally has 36 seats, but there were now no more than 9 passengers in a wagon. Mandatory, passengers wear a mask and gloves throughout the trip. As soon as they arrive in Vienna, they will be tested for coronavirus, they will wait one night and, if the result is negative, the families with whom these people go to work will be able to come and look for them. If the result is positive, they will be quarantined.

Most are people who are not going to work in Austria for the first time. A lady told Digi24 that this is the fifth time that she is going to work in this country. “Now it is a little more difficult, because you don’t know what to expect, the disease that is … Fear … you are afraid, but if I get sick I can get sick at home and there.” In the same way, you have to keep this distance at home and there, “said the woman.

CFR and OBB have established what time, how many wagons and on which route these trains travel. 48 hours in advance, officials must be notified of the passenger list, where these citizens leave Romania, when they arrive in Timisoara, thus traveling to Timisoara, so that in due time, the authorities mobilize and make sure that the rules to prevent the spread of the coronavirus epidemic are observed, explained the Minister of Transport, Lucian Bode, to Digi24.

Editor: Luana Păvălucă
