“I brought 300,000 euros for the 2009 campaign – My situation and that of my husband allowed it,” Udrea told the court – He explained that he did not know anything about the facts – News sources


The Bucharest Court of Appeal continued on Monday the hearings in the high corruption case in which the daughter of former President Traian Băsescu, Ioana, the former Minister of Development, Elena Udrea, the former President of the Tulcea City Council but also the former Minister, Victor Tarhon , as well as the man Cătălin Andronic and the former secretary general of the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, Nastasia Gheorghe.

In her statement before the judge of the Court of Appeals on Monday, Elena Udrea vigorously refuted the allegations of corruption filed against the DNA prosecutors, and explained that during the 2009 campaign she did not know how to have used the documents denounced by Francesco Giovanni, the ex-boyfriend of Ioana Băsescu, Ion Lungu or Nastasia Gheorghe.

More precisely, he showed how he would have brought money from home to finance Traian Băsescu’s campaign, amounts that respectively add up to 300,000 euros.

MAJOR DISORDER for Elena Udrea – She will explain to the judges her own VERSION on the incitement to bribery facts accused by DNA

Băsescu Finance

“The companies in question were really working. They produced for the campaign. The services were actually paid for.

There was no attempt to launder money, to give the appearance of bidding for any illegal amount.

In the case of these money laundering crimes, I say that I was not aware of any illicit origin of this amount of money, even if it was.

At no time was there an attempt to hide the origin of the money.

I not only knew what the funding needs were because all the members were arguing and we were all trying to produce funding.


Ms. Topoliceanu and Mr. Lungu knew Nastasia, they worked together, colleagues at head office knew Mr. Tarhon, they and anyone there could have a campaign financing history without any involvement from me, in my absence .

As for the 5th crime of money laundering, which I am charged with, I need to personally fine the 2009 electoral campaign, allocating amounts exceeding 300 thousand euros.

The income of my husband and my staff for 2009 allowed me this financing. I think they are among the few politicians who brought personal money to the electoral field and did not go home with money behind their backs, ”Udrea explained to the judge.

Reporter profile

Udrea blames Francesco Giovanni for the businessman’s refusal to invite an artist to one of the campaign shows.

“My relationship with Giovanni was strictly limited during the election campaign. And the discussions with him focused only on his activities or in which he also participated.

I remember that once I did not agree as an artist that I represented to participate in an event because the message I wanted to convey seemed inappropriate and my opinion was not to bring it.

Perhaps that is why Francesco felt the need for me to accept that he involved the Sfinx Experience company in an event.

He did not know what activities Francesco Giovanni had and what contracts his company had and whether he did tax evasion or not.

It was not a question mark for me because I saw it so many times at the campaign headquarters. Whenever I came, he was there too.

At that time, he was unaware of the existence of the companies, the conclusion of any contracts or the talks between the oil terminal and Ștefan Lungu’s company.

Nobody told me about these things. Neither Ioana Băsescu, nor Wagner, Giovanni or Lungu ”, explained the former dignitary in court.

About Bribery Instigations

“Regarding the second act of instigating the bribery, I will tell you that I did not have any ongoing investment in Tulcea County. I mean the ministry that I was running.

The only investment was financed with European funds and then I became Minister of Development after the merger of the two ministries.

I had nothing to do with that investment at the time of its inception, since it was in the Ministry of Development. I did not know of the existence of any Glacial Prod company or of this Mr. Ivan Vasile.

I didn’t say that to Mr. Tarhon. I didn’t know what Mr. Tarhon was doing in the county. It’s out of the question that I suggested something to you about doing your business in Tulcea County.

At the time of the events, I repeat that I did not know which contracts were being executed through the Tulcea City Council ”, insisted Udrea.

The file has reached the end

The Bucharest Court of Appeal announced on Monday that on January 8, the court will hear the final arguments of the lawyers and the ADN prosecutor, as well as the last word of the defendants in this case.
