I asked Liviu Pleșoianu what he is doing now after he failed to get a seat in Parliament.


I asked Liviu Pleșoianu where he works now, what he does exactly, after he failed to get a seat in Parliament. He told us he was dealing with “turning on the Light.”

Liviu Pleșoianu decided to run, along with Șerban Nicolae and other famous politicians on the Romanian Ecological Party lists in the December 2020 parliamentary elections. He was ranked first in the list of the Chamber of Deputies in the Bucharest electoral district. Following the display of the results, the Romanian Ecological Party was ineligible for parliamentary party position.

I contacted Liviu Pleșoianu to find out who she is dealing with now.

DC News: Will you continue in politics after the end of your parliamentary term? If so, which political party do you want to join or will you be active independently? If not, are you moving to another field of activity?

“For me, it was never about politics, at least not in the classical sense. I cannot meet anyone in terms of classical politics, that is, of that occupation destined to serve interests and make only contextual friendships. I can only meet people who know each other or who at least intuit that it is much more than what today’s society allows them to know. Because only those people can really help others, ” Pleșoianu said.

“Only a man who knows and respects himself as a spiritual being, as a profound being, can help others to open their eyes. Close a cycle of five years, since my destiny was to win that contest, to have the opportunity to tell my people about their own Destiny. After December 6, another cycle opened. ” Pleșoianu mentioned.

“In politics or out of politics, what I do is propose and work for the creation of a social framework in which man can develop as a MAN! This is the bottom line, this is the only real way we can really change the world for the better. Otherwise, we will continue running on the spot, like the mouse on the eternal wheel! ” Liviu Pleșoianu said.

DC News: What do you expect of the future Government (regardless of its composition) and the future Parliament? Do you think Romania is on the right track?

“How can something positive come out of all the groups and institutions where only shadows of people meet and speak, only beings who, in the best of cases, are only half? Who is not interested in a deep knowledge of the world , the universe and the human being, he should never set out to become a politician! How can you believe that you can represent people as long as you do not intend to first unravel the mystery, the mystery of the human being? Who will you represent if your daily concerns do not include the knowledge of the deep man in you and the one you want to represent? ” Pleșoianu said.

“The reform of society cannot occur (this has already been clear for decades) as an effect of the action of the specialists, the technocrats, to the extent that these specialists, these technocrats do not see beyond their specialty or their ultra -specialization. What today’s society lacks is perspective, overview, depth. In vain do we change, in a few years, a political program with another political program, an economic model with another economic model. If behind these models and programs nothing is found as a result of the activity of the human spirit, if nothing emerges from the depths to help the surface to prosper, if, in other words, we do not have a solid root, then failure! is almost assured! Pleșoianu showed.

“The Romanian people, according to their own destiny, must be the people who provide the world with a framework for mutual understanding, for concerted action, for true human brotherhood. That is why those who do not want the ideal of brotherhood becomes a tangible reality they undertake everything they can imagine so that the Romanian people move as far as possible from their own destiny. What must be understood, however, is that precisely this deviation from one’s own destiny is the main cause of social unrest in Romania, ” Pleșoianu said.

“The further we get out of our way, the worse it will be. It is inevitable. It must be understood, truly understood, that no party, no providential man, no economic, political or social program can help us more, as long as we do not understand with all our being the meaning of the following reality: Romanians can no longer be a realized people except to the extent that they begin to act in accordance with their own destiny, a destiny that compels them, without delay, to create within the borders of our country a humane environment conducive to bringing the peoples of the world closer together, ” Liviu Pleșoianu stressed.

DC News: What field are you currently working in, where do you work?

” Because in Romania and in the great world there are not enough awakened people, those who are already awake do not have the necessary power to generate a real and profound change in human society. When two or three candles are lit, they will only light a few meters. When hundreds of millions of candles are lit, the night almost becomes a day … With this I will continue to take care of the illumination of the Light … ”, concluded Liviu Pleșoianu, for DC News.
