“I ask you to be human”


PSD president Marcel Ciolacu asks Klaus Iohannis, in an open letter, to intervene so that the government changes the way the budget is distributed to local communities, accusing that the Liberals have not allocated money to the mayors of the PSD.

“I write to you with the indignation that millions of Romanians will surely have after they take note of the way in which the current Executive that directs the PNL distributes public money to local communities.
The government’s decision to distribute public funds for the payment of operating expenses and social assistance or child protection is frankly scandalous! Entire communities do not receive a single leu, and others receive absolutely ridiculous amounts, just because those citizens dared to vote for something other than NLP or USR.
It is an intolerable abuse committed by a party that has just been severely sanctioned by vote for the catastrophic way in which it has governed. Instead of appropriating popular sanction and correcting their political behavior, this party continues to divide Romanians into good and bad, according to the color of the parties they vote for. Such a primitive policy is totally unacceptable in a member state of the European Union! ”Says Marcel Ciolacu in the open letter addressed to Klaus Iohannis.

I appeal, then, to the role of mediator conferred on you by the Constitution in your capacity as president of ALL ROMANS!
I urge you to step in immediately to eliminate this unforgivable abuse! I ask you to ask the Government to serve the public interest, not the interest of the party! I ask you to restore balance in our society, which has long been divided by hostility, resentment and aggression from political discourse in recent election years.
The electoral campaign has just ended. There is no time for political confrontations. We are in the midst of a health crisis and a major economic crisis looms on the horizon. Wisdom, balance, cooperation and social equity are needed more than ever.
On behalf of the local communities that have not received lions or simply offensive amounts, I ask you to be the PRESIDENT OF ALL ROMANS! On behalf of the millions of fellow citizens unjustly punished by this irresponsible Government, I ask you to be ROMANS! On behalf of the thousands of children removed from the Government’s list of NLP with the distribution of public funds, I ask you to be OM! “Concluded the president of the PSD.

Publisher: AVD
