“I am good as a slave, not to be fined.” Gigi Becali, wave of ironies at FRF, related to the implementation of the VAR


  • League 2: Cluj University – Slatina, Friday, 17:30, Digi Sport 1

  • League 1: Dinamo – The future, Friday, 20:30, Digi Sport 1

Recently, Răzvan Burleanu and Justin Ștefan had a public exchange of comments in relation to this issue.

Gigi Becali: “I keep calm, like a slave, so as not to receive a fine”

“I am a slave, we are a slave association, I voted for some masters. If we speak, he takes us to the commission and gives us a fine. The league is a slave association, the Federation master comes and says“ bad guys, slaves “They can’t lead because they are too stupid. We are teachers and if you open your mouth we will take you to the commission and also give you a fine.”

You are too stupid and we bring you a foreign commander to the BCC. I’m not upset, I’m not upset with anyone. I keep calm, I do my job not to receive a fine from commissions.

If I give, I want the commission to be with us, the League, and Avram to be the president of the BCC, who was fired, he was the best referee and the man was not in charge. In the end, I will be forced to give, if we are slaves … ”, said Becali, in the Digi Sport League.

After a wave of ironies against FRF, Gigi Becali compared the “mandate” of Răzvan Burleanu with that of the former head of the Federation, Mircea Sandu.

“Do you compare yourself to Mircea Sandu? He was a quality man. Now I am 100% owner. You were talking to Mircea Sandu, could you consult. He said, ‘Yes, yes, it’s your money, do what you want’. Now, How do they do it? What do they do? I am a slave! It also demonstrates slavery through deeds.

What, I am Greek, I am a foreigner. You are slaves. I had problems with Kovacs, they delegated him again “, also said the owner of FCSB.

Răzvan Burleanu: “LPF wants to lead Romanian refereeing with money from the Romanian Football Federation”

The president of the Romanian Football Federation, Răzvan Burleanu, presented serious accusations on Thursday to the representatives of the Professional Football League, whom he suspects that they want “control of the refereeing”, which they exchange in favor of certain clubs.

“However, I was surprised to see that although the TV rights holder offered this opportunity to cover costs with VAR technology, LPF does not cover any costs under this project even if League I is not organized by the federation.

Discussions stalled because, although the costs of training arbitrators for an approximate amount of 500,000 euros are covered, the LPF speakers want to take charge of this project and have asked to take charge of the management of the implementation of the VAR, although the LPF does not covers none of this. draft.

In other words, LPF wants to lead the Romanian refereeing with money from the Romanian Football Federation. I even suspect that they want control of the arbitration, which they can exchange for the benefit of a club, because today it is suspected that they are doing it at the level of jurisdictional commissions ”.Burleanu said.

The implementation of video refereeing at League 1 level from a technical point of view was assumed by the television rights holder, who has already purchased the specific equipment, after the Romanian Football Federation will be in charge of the training of the referees.

Tags: Gigi Becali , fcsb , where , var league 1
