HUGE CIRCUS at Alexandru Nazare hearing: AUR left hall / PSD accused SABOTAGE – Source news


Monster scandal at the audience of Alexandru Nazare for the position of Minister of Finance. The AUR deputies left the room, unhappy with the fact that their vote was not taken into account, because they did not appoint representatives, announces Antena 3. The PSD was also unhappy at not being able to ask the two questions assigned by group.

See also: First COURSE SURVEY after the elections: Spectacular developments in voting intention, after only two weeks

Ministry of Finance – Alexandru Nazare

Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Bogdan Aurescu

Ministry of National Defense – Nicolae Ciuca

Ministry of Energy – Virgil Popescu

Ministry of the Interior – Lucian Bode

Ministry of Education – Sorin Câmpeanu

Ministry of Culture – Bogdan Gheorghiu

Ministry of Agriculture – Adrian Oros

Ministry of Labor – Raluca Turcan

Miniștri USR PLUS:

Ministry of Justice – Stelian Ion

Ministry of Health – Vlad Voiculescu

Ministry of Transport – Cătălin Drulă

Ministry of European Funds – Cristian Ghinea

Ministry of Economy – Claudiu Năsui

Ministry of Research, Innovation, Digitization – Ciprian Teleman

Ministers of the UDMR:

Ministry of Development – Cseke Attila

Ministry of the Environment – Tanczos Barna

Ministry of Youth and Sports – Novák Eduárd.
