How will the opening of the subway affect the price of housing in Drumul Taberei?


The Dr.youMul Camp could not only affect traffic in the areabut also the real estate market. However, experts in the field point out that a price increase will not be seen too soon. However, the appearance of the metro will make the Bucharest district more sought after, so houses could be sold faster.

The Drumul Taberei neighborhood has not been among the most sought after residential areas over time. One of the reasons that reduced its appeal was the crowded traffic, which made it difficult to access the city center or the northern part of the Capital, dominated by office buildings.

However, the opening of the metro changes this, and real estate experts hope that Sales of apartments in the area will become much easier.

“There is and will not be an impact in terms of prices, housing will become much more attractive and if we see an increase in prices, it will happen at least after one or two years, when the housing stock in that area will decrease ”, says Vlad Vlăsceanu, real estate consultant.

What the locals say

The impact on prices would not be greater, because since the beginning of the construction of Highway 5, this installation is already included in the price of the apartments. Even the locals say:

– Did you take into account that you will have the subway when you bought the apartment?

– Certainly, that was one of the factors that determined me to buy here in the area. You will have a say in the price increase.


“Would you like to move here?”

“Now, as it seems, yes!”

– Would the subway count?

– I actually looked for an apartment in Drumul Taberei, because I knew that the subway was being built.

More office buildings may appear

Developers built new apartment blocks in the neighborhood after subway works began, and investments could continue and not just on the residential side. Real estate consultants anticipate that office building projects will appear in the area and thus the business area will develop.

Actually in the sale of an apartment in Drumul Taberei the price per square meter varies between 950 euros and 1,400 euros, the closer we get to the city center. A 2-bedroom apartment starts at around 45,000 euros, and a three-bedroom apartment will jump from 80,000 euros.

Rents can increase faster

However, price fluctuations will be seen in terms of rentals. Here prices could rise much faster, being a market that has withstood normal parameters, even during the pandemic.

“If there is a studio that can be rented for 250 euros, the proximity of the metro will undoubtedly make the owner ask for an amount of 300 euros. Whether he rents it at that price remains to be seen, ”says real estate consultant Vlad Vlăsceanu.

Now, those who are already in the area are satisfied.

– Is it a neighborhood you like to live in?

“Yes, yes, above all,” says a young man.

“Won’t you change it?”

“I would never change it!”

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
