How will the 200 lei be awarded to Bucharest residents who want to get tested for Covid-19? Firea’s announcement


The mayor of the capital, Gabriela Firea, presented new explanations about the “Test for Bucharest” project, which the municipal councilors will analyze on May 11.

The “Testing for Bucharest” project aims to limit the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus among the population of Bucharest, using the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2, providing financial support for a total amount of 200 lei / beneficiary .

Regarding this amount, Gabriela Firea specified, on Friday, in a message on Facebook, that it is not a coupon or a sum of money to be offered to the volunteers, but rather the agreement of the respective tests by the City Council of the capital.

“I want to emphasize, first of all, that it is not, as some speculations have already appeared, about giving people money or coupons to agree to get tested! Through the proposed project, we will solve the PCR test (with tests normal, so precise, not fast), in the first phase, for 11,000 Bucharest residents who voluntarily enroll in all state and / or private clinics that enter the program started by PMB through ASSMB. each test is 200 lei, the same with the one established by the CNAS to test the symptoms, those of quarantine or the contacts of those infected “, Specified nature.

The mayor of the capital added: “I specify that there is currently a daily testing capacity in the Capital of more than 3,500 PCR tests, but in reality only a few hundred tests are performed per day. Also, the number of people who are now quarantined is approximately 400, much less than at the beginning of the State of Emergency, when there were several thousand. It is necessary to test the population to be able to take gradual measures of relaxation. If we do not test, we do not know the truth, we stay at home, we kill the economy ! “

How the people of Bucharest will be tested

The City Council of the Capital announced on Friday that it wants to test 11,000 Bucharest residents, volunteers, to detect coronaviruses, who will be rewarded with 200 lei each. The Bucharest General Council is called to approve the project on May 11.

“The beneficiaries of the project will be the citizens of Bucharest, who will voluntarily request registration in the project and are not in the categories of case definitions, as established by the Methodology for surveillance of acute respiratory syndrome with the new coronavirus, developed by the National Institute of Public Health in Romania “, depending on the project.

“We tested for Bucharest” will take place during 2020 and will target a number of 11,000 beneficiaries.

The total project budget is 2,233,000 lei, of which 2,2,000,000,000 lei represent the financial support given to the 11,000 volunteers, 30,000 lei for making an online application for registration within the project and 3,000 lei to host the application.
