How will services be organized after the state of emergency is lifted? Prime Minister Ludovic Orban’s response


Romanian Prime Minister Ludovic Orban told Digi24 that after the lifting of the state of emergency, the services will not be organized in any way within places of worship.

Cosmin Prelipceanu, journalist Digi 24: Could there be freedom to organize indoor services?

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban: That in no way.

Cosmin Prelipceanu, journalist for Digi 24: Could there be another regulation regarding the teaspoon to share?

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban: I honestly do not understand what appeared in the public space as standards that are considered at the level of the INSP and the commission at the level of the Ministry of Health are issues that are based on eliminating the risk of transmission of the virus.

How services will be carried out on alert

The draft law on measures to be adopted after March 15 establishes that religious services can be held, in accordance with the rules of social distance.

“The activity of religious cults is exercised freely, in accordance with the rules of health discipline established by the authorities with responsibilities in the field, including the National Committee for Special Situations of Emergency, in consultation with the Department of Cults,” he says. the bill approved today by the Government.

The health discipline rules “will include measures on access to places of worship, the minimum safe distance and other similar measures on any other aspect involved in the practice of religious cults, with the priority of guaranteeing prevention and reducing disease risk with the new coronavirus. SARS-Cov-2 “, according to the project.

The document was sent to Parliament, to vote on it. However, parliamentarians can make changes.

Publisher: I. I.
