How we will vote in local elections. The mask must be removed for identification. Rules, explained by the person in charge of AEP | News, News Romania | Freedom


Voters who go to the polls in local elections will remove the mandatory mask twice, to be identified by the tablet operator and the president of the voting station.

Identification will be carried out under the same conditions as at the airport. You will have to do this mask removal operation twice, on the operator and on the section president.

Constantin-Florin Mituleţu-Buică:

Upon entering the section, the citizen will inform the IT operator. Of course, wear a mask and disinfect previously. He will make a three-second identification in front of the computer operator to whom he presented the identity card. After identification and permission to exercise his right to vote, the voter presents himself to the president of the voting station. In addition, an identification will be made in a few seconds, because the newsletter is presented again. It is signed on the electoral list, to deliver the voting documents, the ballots, “explained Mituleţu-Buică.

Those present at the polls must disinfect their hands twice, at the entrance and exit of the voting table.

In the polling stations the distance of one meter between the people, the members of the polling stations will be maintained.

There will be dividing panels for voters.

In addition, the polling stations will be permanently ventilated in the polling stations, explained the president of the Permanent Electoral Authority.

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The elections cost 1,000,000 lei

The total cost of local elections this year has risen to around 1,000,000,000 lei. The reason: increased allowances for the electoral body and an additional 19,000,000 lei for health protection measures at the voting tables.

“I think things will happen under normal conditions, the average participation will be around 50%, as in 2016,” concluded the head of the AEP.

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