How was Mariana Moculescu 31 years ago. What life does she have now, with her Italian boyfriend


Years passed, scandals persisted for a long time, but she continued to surprise with her beauty. What was Mariana Moculescu like in her youth and what is her life like now?

How did Mariana Moculescu look in her youth?

Although many will not forget the scandals between Horia, Nidia and Mariana Moculescu, the story of the two lovers was under the sign of love. She was young and full of dreams and hopes, and he had them. much more experienced than her, so they can guide you wonderfully in your life together. Unfortunately, the love is gone, and the reproaches and various frustrations of each of them gathered over time have replaced the declarations of love and peace in the house. Finally, Mariana decided to leave. Horia stayed behind to raise Nidia, who the girl often publicly reproached her mother for. Still, they managed to erase everything with the sponge over the years and be able to enjoy the happy events in the life of his only daughter. However, Mariana managed to find the recipe for youth without old age. He considered that it was a virtue to tell the truth, so he decided to be transparent, some would say that it is too rude and without dosing it well, but it seems that it is his assumed lifestyle, effervescent and sincere towards her. it makes her feel good on her skin and she looks good. The years have passed, and the changes in the images of 30 years ago and now are not many.

“Beauty secrets after a certain age, I think any woman should have them. I stop smoking, I eat carefully, I use anti-aging creams, I play sports and I love to walk”
Marian Moculescu (Source:

Mariana and Horia Moculescu (1989) - the year of their marriage
Mariana and Horia Moculescu (1989) – the year of their marriage

What life does she have now, with her Italian boyfriend

“I have an Italian residence at Massimiliano’s house and after he divorces this year, we will see what ideas come to mind. The difference between an Italian man and a Romanian man is passion. Italians are very passionate, emotional, they love insanely , they are generous to the woman they love and they consider her a porcelain trinket. In quarantine, I got very bored and that’s why I tried to get rid of the monotony asking my friends for advice. As a result, I did gymnastics every day, I tanned in the balcony, I listened to music and listened to the advice of psychologists for this period, I cooked in Romanian, sometimes I sat in the arms of Massimiliano, watching news and movies. “
Marian Moculescu (Source:
