How to use Canon cameras as web cameras


How you can easily use Canon cameras as web cameras

Today we have Wuhan coronavirus and traffic restrictions, webcams are being searched. The problem is that in some places they are no longer found, people have bought everything. The good news is that Canon came up with the idea of ​​easily using its mirrorless and digital SLR cameras as web cameras.

If there is a technology that has experienced a successful boost due to the Wuhan coronavirus and subsequent traffic restrictions, it would be webcams.

This is because video conferencing has become crucial for keeping in touch with loved ones, but also for working and studying.

If the webcams in your area no longer exist in stores and are difficult to buy, you may be interested to know that the Japanese company Canon recently released software called EOS Webcam Utility Beta.

This is software that can easily convert certain Canon cameras into web cameras. However, it should be noted that the use of a DSLR or mirrorless camera as a webcam is not exactly new.

However, the process can be complicated depending on the model you have and you need to find the right software to transform it.

But, considering that the Japanese company Canon is releasing its own software, you just have to connect the camera to the PC via USB, run the software and you’re done.

As indicated by the Canon software name, it is currently in beta, so there may be some bugs. However, if you are interested in trying it out, go to the Canon website for more information.

What do you think of this solution offered by the Japanese company Canon? Do you seem welcome to those with cameras from this company?
