How to promote a business even when you only have a budget of 100 euros


How to distribute budgets between social networks and Google or how to increase sales even during this period can be found in a guide for merchants who connect or who want to strengthen their presence in the digital environment made by Optimized, an agency specialized in PPC Campaigns.

“Despite the extremely unpleasant context, this medical crisis has exposed us to the great opportunity of the online environment. These weeks will certainly leave their mark on consumer habits, but also on the way companies view investment online. .

Therefore, we can expect, however, to reduce marketing budgets. But I doubt that the online environment is affected. At Optimized, for this year, we have proposed a 50% increase in the agency’s revenue and portfolio, and we are currently on time, “he said. Madalina Stanescu, founder of Optimized.

Where do the first 100 euros go?

In nearly two months, the online environment has proven to be a vital infrastructure for retailers, and many of those who have delayed the transition have migrated to digital channels to support their sales.

Starting from a hypothetical amount of 100 euros that can be invested in the online promotion, Optimized recommends the following combination: 75% of the budget allocated to the promotion in Google, because this is the intention to buy from those who are actively looking for a product or service, and 25% for social networks (at least for remarketing). In this process, an important aspect to consider is the field of activity of the online store, since it can influence weight.

The main objective in the relationship between the agency and the client is the expansion of marketing campaigns, and this is determined by a combination of factors, the most important being the product, the strength of the brand, the local context and the strategy. of marketing.

But any entrepreneur should know that the ROI (return on investment) for marketing campaigns depends on several factors. First of all is the product: what you need covers, what differentiators it has.

Then there is the brand: how well it is known in the market, but also how it differs. At the same time, the technical infrastructure is important: the user experience and the performance of the e-commerce platform used. Last but not least, there is also the marketing insight factor: strategy and execution.

In summary: the fact that the budget grows 10 times does not mean, directly, that the performance of the campaign will be 10 times higher.

The right message for the right audience

In the case of a client who only now focuses more strongly online, whether they take it from scratch or have had a shy digital presence thus far, it is essential that the selection of channels and messages is made according to the audience It is also approached for its digital consumption habits.

Therefore, a strategy can be developed by which the brand is exposed, at each stage of the consumer acquisition process, in relevant channels, such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest and others.

For example, for fashion brands, a relevant channel is Instagram, and paid campaigns here are justified. Also, Pinterest Ads could be a justified investment for brands that have inspiring products that are compatible with Do It Yourself projects.

Last but not least, even if we are talking about increasing sales or keeping them at an optimal level, with the transition from offline to online, Optimized recommends that approximately 20% of budgets go towards increasing popularity. from that merchant.

The awareness factor helps the end consumer to prefer the services of a certain merchant, if he knows that the products are of quality and also the services.

Optimized envelope

Optimized is the only agency in Romania specialized in PPC campaigns (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, YouTube Ads, Bing Ads, etc.) for e-commerce.

The agency’s portfolio exclusively includes online stores and offers consulting with the help of a team of PPC specialists and Google certified trainers.

The agency is founded by Madalina Stanescu, a digital marketing consultant, with more than 12 years of experience in the field and an e-commerce entrepreneur.

Full details can be found at

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