How to get rid of the flu quickly. You don’t even have to take medicine.


The flu can go away a little faster with strong medications, but if you want a natural solution, you have some simpler ways to fight the symptoms.

These are the best ways to get rid of the flu quickly without medication.

The flu can go away a little faster with strong medications, but if you want a natural solution, you have some simpler ways to fight the symptoms. These are the best ways to get rid of the flu quickly without medication.

Give up coffee, alcohol, and eat better to give your body the energy to fight respiratory infections, and use solutions that help you get rid of the flu quickly.

Chicken Soup

The traditional cold and flu remedy is backed by numerous studies showing that chicken soup helps decongest mucous membranes and alleviate other flu symptoms. Eat hot or slightly hot chicken soup for the best effects.

Strong hydration

The risk of dehydration is much higher with the flu, especially when vomiting and diarrhea are among the symptoms. Water is needed, but warm herbal tea and fresh fruit juices hydrate it even better. Avoid coffee and alcoholic beverages, as they have diuretic effects and accelerate dehydration.

Steam inhalation

Inhaling steam stimulates the opening of the airways blocked by mucus. You can boil water in a bowl and inhale steam over it with a towel over your head, or you can even fill the sink with hot water. A few drops of eucalyptus oil or a small chopped ginger root go a long way in cleaning the bronchi.

Moist warm compresses

When headaches add to flu symptoms, warm, wet compresses can ease your discomfort. You can use them on the temples or on the cheeks and forehead, to calm the sinuses, reports

Gargle with salt water

Gargling with saline can combat several unpleasant flu symptoms.
It contributes to the dislocation of accumulated mucus in the throat and can also eliminate the discomfort associated with clogged ears.


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May 1, 2020, time: 8:02 p.m.

Dodon regime continues to mock Romania

President Igor Dodon’s spokesman, Romanianophobe Bogdan Țîrdea, mocks Romania. He is not satisfied with the help offered on Thursday April 30 by Romania to the medical system of our country.

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