How to calculate the REAL VALUE of an APARTMENT. Iancu Guda: very simple formula


Before buying an apartment, calculate if the price you give is its correct value.

Economist Iancu Guda revealed how the correct value of an apartment is calculated. “It is determined very simply, in just a few seconds. The value is important in deciding if the price is correct. A smart buyer decides to trade when the price is less than or equal to value, while the seller wants to get as high a price as possible. (…)

Some manipulate and say that value is not important when buying a property. However, that’s not true. The investment is important regardless of the purpose of the acquisition, It is advisable to know what you have given the money for and how much it is worth. The reason is very simple: money is not free. You have worked, taken out a loan and paid interest, or missed many other investment opportunities. It is always good to know the value of the property. Second, some manipulate and use the recent transaction milestone in the area where the property is located. This says nothing about the long-term value of the property. Using this relative analysis, an average study was valued between 70,000 and 80,000 euros in 2008, of course, completely wrong. (…)

Some sell the illusion that real estate is the best investment, because the price is constantly increasing. Not true, the price varies according to supply and demand.

The value of the apartment depends on how much the respective building produces, through the future income it can generate through the rent received. The formula to use is very simple: rent month x 12 months x 15 years – 20% (taxes, moral wear and tear). “showed Iancu Guda, on Digi24.

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photo: Digi24 capture
