How the USR advisor gathered her fortune saying that she has a “more than stable” material situation


Before the RSU candidate was appointed for Timişoara City Council, the elected mayor, Dominic Fritz, engaged in an internal fight for the candidacy. One of Fritz’s opponents was Aida Szilagyi, who became a local councilor following the local elections on September 27, 2020.

“I am 54 years old, I am married, I have a wonderful daughter, I do my job out of passion and I have a more than stable financial situation”said Aida Szilagyi in the candidate message in the USR internal campaign.

From the position of candidate for local councilor, Aida Szilagyi also presented the patrimonial declaration that shows that she owns five houses in Timişoara and the neighboring towns, one of which has an area of ​​795 square meters. In addition, according to her own wealth statement, the USR councilor sold a house in Timişoara in 2019 for the price of 175,000 euros.

More than 300,000 euros in accounts, income less than 1,000 euros per month

According to the wealth declaration, Aida Szilagyi and her husband have more than 300,000 euros in their accounts. The USR counselor also indicated the amount of 73,000 euros that she received as a gift from her father.

The document shows that Aida Szilagyi earned in 2019 an income of 27,600 lei (2,300 lei per month) from the position of employee of the NGO she founded (National Center for Sustainable Production and Consumption) and 24,000 lei (2,000 lei) from renting two houses in Dumbrăviţa. Although the law required her to do so, the USR counselor did not mention her husband’s income on the estate declaration.

Contacted by “Adevărul”, Aida Szilagyi stated that she did not mention her husband’s income in the wealth statement because he is not employed, conducting real estate transactions per person.

“My husband has a real estate business. He has no income in the form of salary. We sold a house last year. That is income. We have been doing this type of business for the last 30 years. We have built several properties that we have sold and these are our income. We build real estate, we sell, we conduct real estate transactions per person. About this was the business from which our wealth came. Over time I had several investments, I built several houses that I sold in my personal name. to build. We are quite stable “said Aida Szilagyi for “Adevărul”.

Who is Aida Szilagyi. Self-portrait on the USR website

In the internal campaign for the nomination of the USR candidate for the Timişoara City Council, Aida Szilagyi introduced herself to the USR members, showing her professional career as an employee of the Solventul chemical plant until the foundation of the NGO in the field of The ecology.

“I was born to Roman parents, in the smallest town in the country, the town of Nucet, County Bihor, the only one in the area that had a maternity hospital at the time. I grew up in the city of Dr. Petru Groza, now Ştei, a city with symmetrical streets and uniform buildings, built by the Russians in the post-war years, during the exploitation of non-ferrous minerals and uranium, expensive resources that took the road of the USSR.

I did high school in Oradea, where I attended the biological chemistry department, the only one in the county. Since I liked the logic of chemistry, I decided to pursue chemical engineering, after which I was assigned to Margina, a section of the Solvent chemical plant. After December 1989, I also transferred many parts (!) To Solventul Timişoara where I worked three shifts in the polyethylene production section, until the factory was permanently stopped, the source of raw materials was cut off due to the war in Serbia .

The encounter with ecology took place in the 2000s, when for a time I coordinated environmental issues in Solectron Romania, where I began to train as a professional. Since 2007, as a senior consultant for Denkstatt Romania, I started working with the City Council on several projects: Feasibility study of the composting plant, Inventory of Greenhouse Emissions and the first strategy to combat climate change in Romania. ; The Conurbant Project and collaboration with the Action Plan to Fight Climate Change 2015-2020.

In 2010, we founded the Association of the National Center for Sustainable Consumption and Production, a flagship organization promoting eco-efficiency in industry and the transition to a green economy. I have consecutively played the role of President, Manager, Trainer, Expert or Promoter in numerous national and international projects for the benefit of the public and private sectors. I recently finished my doctoral thesis entitled “Innovative approaches for the application of eco-efficiency in companies” and I want in the future to have the opportunity to insert in university programs new topics such as resource efficiency, eco-innovation or the circular economy, which are so necessary to develop real skills in the field of sustainability for the new generations ”.

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