How the tragedy happened in Brâna Mare a Morarului. Two friends died on a cliff


A tragic accident on one of the most dangerous routes in Bucegi killed two climbers, a man and a woman, on Saturday afternoon.

Good friends, they rushed over an ice-covered part bordered by a deep chasm and cliffs. Near the end of the difficult part, the woman fell into the abyss, a few hundred meters. The friend asked for help and, despite the warnings, tried to contact her. His decision was fatal.

Leaving Bucharest on Saturday, the 48-year-old woman and the 52-year-old man arrived at the Diham Chalet where they left their cars. From there they made several walks in the area and they considered that they have enough experience for a route in the Bucegi mountains, which is difficult in summer, especially in winter, Brâna Mare to Morarului. They had reached the end of the route when the accident occurred: According to the teammate who immediately called Salvamont, the woman would have opened her safety rifle to relax, but it was enough in a careless moment: she would. stumble over the rope and fall into the abyss.

“They relaxed ahead of time, untied from the front rope, tripped and made a mistake. We spoke on the phone after the mountain rescuer announced. They advised him to put on the survival foil to wear what he was wearing because the boys had already left and they arrived extraordinarily fast, in two hours they were there. I don’t know, under the thrill rule he probably tried harder than he should and also fell, ”said a friend of the man.

Friends of the two say that they were both mountain lovers, well trained and equipped for a winter route with steep cliffs and valleys. However, the man did not wait for rescuers to arrive and, under the power of overwhelming emotion, would have tried to reach the collapsed woman alone.

The mountain savior Claudiu Vasilescu, the mountain savior Busteni: “It is a fall of a few hundred meters on the walls, they had no chance to escape, they practically died on the spot. It is a very rugged area, in the conditions that existed on Saturday, with the wind, the fog, layers of snow deposited on the plates, so there is an avalanche danger, I don’t know what they were really looking for there ”.

Florin Vintilă, Salvamont Prahova: “They had equipment, they had corners, they had good boots, harnesses, but I think they didn’t use them because I couldn’t find the rope, they usually had to be secured with rope.”

The bodies of the two were recovered from the mountain with great effort, one that of the woman in the afternoon and that of the man on Sunday.

It was the most dramatic intervention of the mountain rescuers, but not the only one. In just a few hours, there were more than 60 calls in which hikers who stayed on the mountain asked for help. Most of the cases occurred on roads in the Predeal and Lupeni areas.

Claudiu Vasilescu, Salvamont Busteni: “They give too much, they are not so disciplined, the tourist tries to enjoy the snow, but not unconsciously. He should be more responsible. He is left with fractures, sprains, dislocations with trauma.”

Mountain rescuers call for caution and responsibility and advise mountain lovers not to venture out on summer trails, not to overestimate their strength and training, and not to let their guard down unless protected, in the hut or base. Montana.

Mountain rescuers recommendations for tourists heading to the mountain

Salvamont Romania sent, on Sunday, recommendations for tourists heading to the mountains. Mountain rescuers ask tourists to choose the appropriate slope and equipment for the level of training, to follow the instructions of the staff, but also the signs and markings. Mountain rescuers also provided information on what to do in the event of an accident.

“Because the winter tourist season is in full swing, Salvamont Romania, through its county and local structures, is present in the tourist centers, where, daily, about 500 mountain rescuers are on duty in more than 90 bases. and Salvamont stations. For those of you who will go to tourist areas where there are areas for winter sports, Salvamont Romania makes some recommendations, ”mountain rescuers sent on Sunday.

We present their recommendations:

1. Choose a snow sliding equipment suitable for your technical characteristics and the fit of your connections, body weight and level of preparation.

2. Approach the ski slopes carefully at first, as you no longer have the same sporting skills as at the end of last season and a short period of readjustment is required.

3. Skiing in a way that does not endanger the life of another skier or cause him any harm.

4. Adapt your own speed and ski style according to your technical preparation, physical condition, snow conditions, the degree of difficulty of the piste, the weather conditions and the density of piste traffic.

5. Choose your descent path carefully to protect alpine skiers.

6. Pass the downhill skier on the right or left, provided that this overtaking is wide enough to avoid any unexpected evolution of the one who is going to overtake.

7. Make sure, by carefully examining upstream and downstream traffic, that you and other skiers are safe when crossing a slope or resuming your course after a temporary stop on Slope.

8. Avoid parking on slopes, especially in narrow or unobstructed areas. In the event of a fall, release the slope as soon as possible.

9. Only use the edge of the slope to ascend or descend on foot, without skis.

10. Observe the signs and markings on the slopes and on the ski slopes: Do not ski in the woods, do not go straight down, do not sled, do not drive on the slopes

11. Observe the international markings for the difficulty levels of the ski slopes: green-very light, blue – light, red-medium, black – difficult

12. Do not use improvised means of sliding, such as plastic bags or stoppers, they are not controllable and cause serious accidents.

13. Notify the local Salvamont team, directly, through the Salvamont National Dispatch Office at the telephone number 0Salvamont (0725.826.668) or through the 112 Service in the event of an accident on the slope, specifying the following: your name , what happened, how many people need assistance, when the accident happened and where the injured people are.

14. Try to protect the scene of the accident and the injured person, placing a ski barrier stuck in the snow on the slope 5-6 meters upstream, until the arrival of the Salvamont team.

15. Protect the injured person thermally and try to provide psychological support.

16. In the event of severe falls, try not to move the injured person and allow only medically trained personnel, doctors, nurses / paramedics or mountain rescuers to intervene. The case of accidents with spinal injuries is quite high in the case of accidents in the field of winter sports and the intervention of people without medical training or the necessary equipment can be fatal for the injured.

17. Do not accept to be transported off the slope except with specific means of transport, such as a stretcher, and only after adequate immobilization of the affected area has been carried out.
