How the PNL was blown up by the division of ministries in the new Government. The frond of the party, stopped by the internal reallocation of portfolios


The leaders of the parties of the future ruling coalition announced how they share their first positions in the state, but also the ministries, a fact that was the basis of a revolt within the PNL, due to the result of the negotiations. After the negotiations, Florin Cîţu remained Prime Minister, Ludovic Orban, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, and Kelemen Hunor and Dan Barna will be deputy prime ministers, while the head of the Senate returns to PLUS.

Because the liberals were reluctant to decide first not only on the prime minister, but also on the head of a Chamber, USR-PLUS and UDMR came to have parity in the number of ministries, that is, nine went to the PNL and nine to the other formations. After the negotiations, the Liberals received the Ministry of Public Finance, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Culture and the Department of agriculture.

Instead, USR-PLUS received six portfolios (Justice, Transport, Health, European Funds, Economy and Research, Innovation and Digitization) of which four considered with high visibility and a lot of money: Transport, Health, European Funds (where in the following about 80,000 million euros should be captured) and Justice. On the other hand, the UDMR took away the Ministry of Development, a portfolio that at the beginning of the liberal negotiations said they don’t give a damn, since it ensures the relationship with local elected officials, and the PNL has around 1,200 mayors. In addition, the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Youth and Sports also had the UDMR.

The discussion about the ministries, conducted only by Orban and the other party leaders, namely Barna (USR), Dragoş Tudorache (PLUS) and Kelemen Hunor (UDMR), ignited the situation in the PNL, where several Liberal leaders from Transylvania with Secretary General Robert Sighiartău and First Vice President Rareş Bogdan questioned the way the party chairman resigned from important ministries, only to be supported by the leadership of the Chamber of Deputies. The biggest complaints were related to the transfer of three ministries: Development, Transport and European Funds. Development was a goal of the PNL, along with the Finance portfolio. In addition, the other two strong portfolios divested – European Transports and Funds – were also held by Liberals backed by branches in Transylvania.

Frond, calmed by functions

“Not everyone can be satisfied. You can’t take everything in a negotiation,” Ludovic Orban told them publicly. Orban’s opponents tried to force a move on Saturday afternoon by convening a quick BPN to discuss the negotiating case. Political sources stated for “Adevărul” that Sighiartău and Rareş Bogdan were behind the call for the BPN, supported by several leaders of Transylvania.

Following the intervention of Ludovic Orban, the meeting was postponed to a later date, which was also motivated by the fact that a sufficient number of branches did not respond to his call. Sources from the NLP leadership told “Adevărul” that talks were held with the protest camp and solutions were found to defuse tensions.

Thus, Marcel Boloş, who will run out of European funds, could be appointed Minister of Finance. Boloş, who is not a member of the party, has the support of Transylvanian organizations and is one of the ministers appreciated by Klaus Iohannis. Lucian Bode was also offered to take over the Interior, but he did not want to, but did not flatly refuse. Last but not least, Robert Sighiartău is on the books of the Ministry of Labor, a portfolio where the party no longer wants Violeta Alexandru. PNL sources affirm that Labor can be a solid portfolio, if the institution is managed firmly, but also a problematic institution, especially because it has to manage the situation of pensions and social assistance in a context of economic crisis.

Negotiations also in USR-PLUS

However, the Liberals’ portfolios will be definitively established in the coming days, when the validation of the BPN list occurs. Likewise, on Tuesday the voting will take place in the USR-PLUS forum on the list of ministers, with intense negotiations in ministries such as Justice, European Funds and Economy, where the situation is fluid. The only portfolios where there are no emotions are Transport, where Cătălin Drulă has a great chance of becoming a minister, and Sănătatea, where Vlad Voiculescu is unrivaled. Instead, the others include discussions about people and division into parties, and PLUS requires at least a second ministry in addition to health. Last but not least, only the Politicians of Development (Cseke Attila) and Environment (Tanczos Barna) are established in the UDMR, and the name of Youth and Sports will be announced later.

Secretaries of State Division

The coalition parties have established that the future government will have 80 secretaries of state, 42 of them appointed by the PNL, 26 by the USR-PLUS and 12 by the UDMR. The parties also established the algorithm for the allocation of prefects. USR-PLUS will have 14 prefects, while PNL will have 22 or 23 prefects and the rest will be established by UDMR.

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