How the Dubai Consulate Ruined a Romanian Woman’s Wedding: “I Have Bad News …” – Essential


Raluca Mureșan, a Romanian woman living in the United Arab Emirates, tells how what should have been one of the happiest days of her life turned into a sad experience, due to the indifference of some officials. She went to the Dubai Consulate dressed as a bride to be married, where she discovered that the marriage confirmation email had been sent automatically – “a bug in the system” – and the phone numbers listed on the site don’t work because “they don’t. are”. ours, we don’t know who put them there ”. Meanwhile, the medical certificate would no longer be valid and she would have to resume the entire procedure in order to marry.

Raluca Mureșan is a tourism consultant and has a travel blog. He is based in the United Arab Emirates and at the end of last week he had to marry civilly at the Romanian consulate in Dubai. She came in a wedding dress, with a bouquet of flowers, with some friends and, after a long wait, she learned that the marriage could not be officiated, because everything was “a system error”, and the documents had to be filed on the counter . and not online, as she did.

“We came out of there really devastated, disappointed and full of rage. And feeling like two clowns, who braced themselves for the happiest day of their lives and were humiliated and mocked. It was horrible. So much indifference, indolence. , incompetence, “says the Romanian.

She told HotNews that she resumed the entire procedure, first to obtain a new medical certificate, in the hope that everything would be fine a second time and that she could get married.

We reproduce in full the story told on Facebook by Raluca Mureșan:

  • “You wanted me so much, you wrote words from my heart and you enjoyed our joy. It’s just that … our civil wedding did not happen, unfortunately, for reasons that did not belong to us.
  • We dressed up right, we got ready to officially become a family, we were filled with excitement and happiness that it finally takes place. We laughed and laughed, sang and smiled until we reached the Consulate.
  • I had an appointment at 12:00. Nobody noticed us for an hour and a quarter, and when those in front of us finished, they told us to line up, to wait, because there was someone else in front of us. After an hour and a quarter of delay. Normal. We are only in the Romanian Consulate, it must be exactly like in Romania.
  • Ehh … the one in line was gone. Then it’s our turn. I said the name, I gave the file, to which they asked us: “You came to present the documents, right ?!”, “No! I sent them online, followed the steps of the procedure as written on the site, we have the confirmation of receiving the documents, we have the confirmation of the appointment for the marriage service ”, at which point the official put his hands on his head He rubbed his forehead. and in his eyes, he told his colleague at the counter next door what he was doing now, that he had no one to officiate with and he looked at us and said: “I have bad news …”.
  • What he told us was that:
  • the email confirming the date of formalization of the marriage is sent automatically, it should not be taken into account, it is a system error
  • documents are sent over the counter, not online even though it is written online they are sent online
  • I said that we tried to call to be confirmed by phone, but the numbers on the site do not work, to which they replied “those numbers are not ours, we do not know who put them there”.
  • When we asked why they didn’t tell us anything in the 19 days since we made the appointment (wrong from their point of view), they told us that documents that are uploaded online are never reviewed by the consulate. Well then what is the point of submitting documents online?
  • The medical certificate is no longer valid, it is only valid 14 days after its issuance (although it reads that it is valid for 3 months !!!!), from where the absurdity of the situation reaches maximum levels: Have a medical certificate that is valid for 14 days, but the term we received was 19 days. So our certificate expired before it could be used.
  • And the icing on the cake: the certificate is not in English, we were told that, although the certificate is bilingual Arabic English.
  • Half an hour of bad movie followed in which we affirmed that the certificate is bilingual, the lady said that it is not in English at all. Those in the room were stunned by what was happening, and even a boy told us that he went through the same situation, exactly the same.
  • The secretary then told us that he needed the consul’s approval to accept the certificate or not (which shows that he also saw it in English), but that the consul did not answer the phone. I turned to XYZ acquaintances to contact her and after a long period of time, she replied dryly that her approval was not necessary and that “my colleagues know the procedure.”
  • We left there really devastated, disappointed and full of anger. And feeling like two clowns, who prepared for the happiest day of their lives and were humiliated and mocked. It was horrible. So much indifference, indolence, incompetence.
  • And the saddest thing is that after yesterday I told instastories what happened to me, I had dozens of messages telling me similar, unfortunate, absurd events that happened in the Dubai Consulate or other missions in the world. In fact, the situation is exactly the same as that recently happened to other brides who were, just like us, well dressed, with family, friends, photographers, etc. and they were told the same thing, that the appointment of the marriage officer is not correct, it is an automatic message from the system, an error “.

“I would like to express my choice to the Romanian community in the United Arab Emirates, together with the full determination to honorably exercise the mandate of Consul General, protect the rights and interests of Romanian citizens, develop economic, commercial, tourist, cultural relations and cultural. Romania’s scientific relations with the United Arab Emirates, as well as friendly relations with the host country, ” is the message from the Romanian consul in Dubai, which appears on the Consulate’s website. asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a point of view on this issue and we will publish it as soon as we receive it.
