How school starts. MAP of the incidence of COVID-19 cases for each locality in Romania


The Ministry of Health published, on Monday, the accumulated indication of diseases in the last 14 days, with the majority of locations on the green stage, which implies the physical presence of students in the courses. In Bucharest the incidence is 1.12.

According to the Ministry of Health, in the Capital, the incidence rate of COVID-19 cases per 1,000 inhabitants is 1.12, which means that Bucharest falls in the second scenario (yellow), that is, between 1 and 3 cases, regarding the return of the children. to courses.

The Ministry of Health also shows that, at the country level, in the “red” scenario there are 43 localities, 410 in “yellow” and 2,728 in “green”.

Bucharest, Brasov and Iasi are among the large cities with more than one case per thousand inhabitants.

Based on this, the evaluated school units and County Emergency Situations Committees will decide the scenarios under which school will start.

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Also until September, 10th – depending on these data, the local particularities, infrastructure and human resources of each educational unit – the board of directors of the educational unit will propose to the Bucharest County / Municipality School Inspectorate application of one of the organization and deployment scenarios of courses in the educational unit, according to Order of the Minister of Education and Research and the Minister of Health 5487/1494 / 01.09.2020.

The Bucharest County / Municipality Committees for Emergency Situations (CJSU / CMBSU) will issue the decision on the operating scenario of each educational unit for the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year.

The epidemiological criterion from which the educational units / institutions establish one of the 3 scenarios is cumulative incidence rate, respectively, the total number of new cases in the last 14 days compared to 1000 inhabitants.

Scenarios to start school

Scenario 1 foresees the daily participation of all preschool-age children and students in school courses, in compliance with and application of all protection rules.

Scenario 2 considers: The daily participation of all preschool and elementary school students, students in grades VIII and XII, in compliance with and application of all the rules of protection and partial return (by rotation of 1-2 weeks) of the students from the rest of the gym and high school classes, with the fulfillment and application of all protection regulations

Scenario 3 refers to the participation of all preschoolers and students in online activities / lessons.

According to the Ministry of Health, the epidemiological criterion from which the educational units / institutions establish one of the 3 scenarios is the cumulative incidence rate, respectively the total number of new cases in the last 14 days compared to 1,000 inhabitants.

What protective measures will be taken in schools

The Ministerial Order also contains guidelines on health and protection measures for each educational level.

In accordance with these guidelines, in the case of all educational cycles, entry to the courses will take place in stages, at various access doors, at established time intervals according to areas or buildings.

The routes will be pre-established when traveling within the educational institution maintaining a distance of one meter between children / students.

The use of a protective mask inside the school is compulsory for teachers and pupils of primary school.

Hand hygiene should be done frequently, but classroom disinfection and ventilation should be done daily. Disinfection of various teaching materials used in class will be carried out every day.

The guidelines also stipulate that, starting in primary classes, a distance of at least one meter between students or separation with Plexiglass should be guaranteed in the situation where a distance of one meter cannot be guaranteed.

Likewise, in addition to the observational triage at home, the health status will be evaluated in the first hour of the course.

Starting with primary school classes, class attendance will be at a percentage of 50%, rotated to 1-2 weeks.

“We do everything possible to start the school year safely. It is important to distance yourself from the social, but also to respect the hygiene measures that are already known. The conditions in which this school year will take place: distancing, disinfection, use of The adaptation of these conditions to each school unit has imposed a maximum effort in the last two months, “declared Minister Nelu Tătaru, at a press conference.

What happens if a student is diagnosed with Covid-19?

The normative act also provides for the permanent information of staff, students and parents / legal representative about the protection measures against infection by SARS-CoV-2.

When a confirmed case of SARS-VOC-2 virus disease occurs in a classroom, classes in that class are suspended for 14 days. If the courses are organized in shifts in the same room, only the courses of the class in which the case of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was confirmed will be suspended, and the students of the next shift will take their courses.

When 3 confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 virus disease appear in different classes in the same school, school-wide school courses are suspended for a period of 14 days from the date of confirmation of the last case .

When cases of SARS-CoV-2 virus disease occur among teachers, teachers are required to notify school management who will inform DSP / DSPMB of the event.

During the period of suspension of courses, the management of the educational unit / institution will order the carrying out of the following mandatory activities:

a) cleaning and ventilation of classrooms / corridors;

b) the current and terminal disinfection of the spaces of the educational unit / institution, respectively classrooms, corridors, lobbies, bathrooms, in collaboration with DJSP / DSPMB;

c) During the 14 days of suspension, all direct contacts within the unit / educational institution of confirmed cases will be isolated at home.

At the end of August, the Ministry of Education and Research presented the results of a study on the return to school post-COVID, according to which 55% of parents want to return to face-to-face courses and 31% opt for the system hybrid. The study was conducted on a sample of just over a thousand parents.
