How much will the euro rise in the 2021 strategy bnr negrescu


How much will the euro rise in 2021? The NBR strategy was revealed by Adrian Negrescu: “It is more than certain that the National Bank of Romania will not intervene for the moment in the evolution of the exchange rate because it is not a significant increase compared to the previous period.

How much will the euro rise in 2021?

In the medium and long term, the NBR must make a decision on the evolution of the exchange rate. All market estimates are based on the idea of ​​an increase in the euro exchange rate to 4.95, even 5 lei, in the second half of the year, amidst economic problems and the need of the State, which needs the euro pay up. state budget debts.

Everything will depend on how the pandemic will influence economic development. And from these points of view there are no very positive signs, beyond the optimistic expectations of the Cîțu government, related to an economic growth of 4.3%.

Probably in the second part of the year, in the context of the elimination of restrictions and in the context of the elimination of facilities offered to the private environment to pay taxes, taxes and bank leases, we will see what exactly is the evolution and reality. of the economy it seems. The leu, the main indicator of the health of the economy, will evolve in one direction or another.

The NBR strategy was revealed

According to our estimates, it is possible to go to 4.95 lei in this part of the year … Especially that European funds will arrive only then and will not have a great influence on the dynamics of the exchange rate, “added Antena’s financial consultancy. 3.

On Friday, February 18, the NBR announced a reference exchange rate of 4.8740 lei / euro. Also today, the National Bank of Romania set an exchange rate of 4.0405 lei / dollar, 5.4696 lei / pound sterling and 4.5329 lei / Swiss franc.

ROBOR indices have fallen sharply to new lows; attention, they are the lowest values ​​reached by ROBOR 3M and ROBOR 6M since September 2017 until now.

On January 15, 2021, the NBR decided to reduce the monetary policy interest rate from 1.50% per annum to 1.25% as of January 18, 2021.

ROBOR at 3 months and ROBOR at 6 months

In this context, the 3-month ROBOR decreased to 1.59%, compared to 1.78%, as was the level of the previous meeting, when it reached the lowest level since September 29, 2017 ”.

The 6-month ROBOR decreased to 1.72%, compared to 1.94%, the level of the previous meeting (no, it is the lowest level for the 6-month ROBOR of September 29, 2017).

Otherwise, gold declined to 238.2202 lei per gram, compared to 239.4568 lei per gram, as was the level in the previous session. We remind you that on August 7, 2020, gold reached a new record against the leu, 271,0003 lei per gram.

