How Mark Zuckerberg and Tim Cook changed the life of Sebastian Dobrincu, the youngest millionaire in Silicon Valley


His life Sebastian Dobrincu, the youngest millionaire in Silicon Valley, changed radically when he met Mark Zuckerberg și Tim Cook.

The brief encounters with the geniuses behind companies such as Facebook or Apple determined him to regain his confidence in himself, because he was at a turning point in his life, he said on the PROTV program “Vitalie Interviews”.

Sebastian was 17 at the time, a twelfth grader at a private computer science high school, and about to take his baccalaureate. Passionate about mathematics and programming, he was already working as a programmer in a company, in parallel to school, so he did not have time to prepare for the computer science Olympics.

The Olympics, which required ten hours of additional training a day, were a kind of “job description” at the private high school where he studied, so it ended up attracting criticism from teachers who wanted to quit their jobs for dedicating themselves exclusively to the school.

It was then that he received an invitation to go to the United States to meet him. Mark Zuckerberg și Tim Cook. They changed his outlook on life, not necessarily because of the advice he received from them, but because he regained his self-confidence, in a moment of balance, Sebastian admits. Now 22, he is considered the youngest millionaire in Silicon Valley.

“I can tell from my brief interaction, as a person, but I find people very pragmatic and very analytical, at least from the interaction with Mark Zuckerberg, the impression he left me is that he never launches himself to shoot a conclusion about an idea, but always analyze all points of view to a conclusion. This stayed in my mind more than the interaction with him, it is a life lesson that I tried to apply and I think that from any man we know that we have something to learn and that is what I try to learn from everyone. the people who pass through my life “ Sebastian said.

Meeting Mark Zuckerberg He failed exactly when the school leadership threatened to expel him, even a few months before high school, which, by the way, happened.

“I was 17 years old and in a way the meeting and discussion I had with Mark was like a wave of confidence in me and a confirmation that what I do can lead me to a good trajectory in life and more than anything. -provided confidence. For me, a 17 year old boy from Romania, super passionate about technology, programming, receiving advice and being able to get rid of my bitterness, even if Mark was not interested in my story, hey, I am Sebastian and I did. this and I’m in this situation at school … I told the whole story in one breath, obviously he advised me, he assured me that as long as I follow my passions, surely there will be opportunities, but more than anything, that I came to receive from someone who saw like an idol, and now he’s a person I really admire, he gave me the confidence that when I came back to the country, for example, I didn’t. It still hurt a lot when my geography teacher said bad words to me, considering Mark Zuckerberg He said that what I was doing would get me on a good path in life. (…) Then I remembered the words that Mark said to me and I considered, wait a minute, that I respect Mark’s opinion more than the opinion of my geography teacher or I know what else ”.

The encounter with was similar Apple CEO Tim Cook. It didn’t matter what they said to him, but the image that formed in his mind afterward.

Tim Cook, too, was in the same position, lost, a 17-year-old boy at a crossroads in life, and there was very similar advice to follow my passion, and putting me in his position I don’t know how much he cared. their conversation with me and how involved they were, but again for me it was a great confidence and it gave me a push from behind to continue what I was doing “ Sebastian Dobrincu also said.
