How Marius Moga’s wife was filmed. Bianca Lăpuște, “disappointed in the Loft” to the delight of fans


Isolated life is sometimes not so boring, even if your name is Marius Moga and Bianca Lăpuște. The star’s wife tried the other day to surprise her fans on Instagram with various “exotic” poses.

How Marius Moga’s wife was filmed

The blonde was a Pro TV reporter, and now works with her life partner, quits her job as a reporter, and, after becoming an extremely early mother, put the family first. But, like everyone else, the Moga family had to adapt to the new conditions and stay home longer.

Bianca Lăpuște, “disappointed in the Loft” to the delight of fans

Perhaps out of boredom, perhaps out of a desire to have more fun, both she and fans on Instagram, blonde Bianca Lăpuște decided to surprise her fans with some interesting posts, in the form of videos. The idea is that Bianca Lăpuște posted 3 videos on Instastory, videos where she says she’s in the Loft because she probably should have been here if it hadn’t been for the coronavirus pandemic.

How Marius Moga's wife was filmed. Bianca Lăpuște,
How Marius Moga’s wife was filmed. Bianca Lăpuște, “disappointed in the Loft” to the delight of fans

What surprised her was the label in all three videos,, thus revealing that the movies are not in the loft. but in the space of the house itself. Moga family fans were really surprised to see her the former PRO TV reporter in all three videos who appeared to be dancing lasciviously and even inviting her followers to come up to the tables and dance.

After quitting her job as a reporter, Bianca devoted her time to her family but also to her business with Marius Moga, talking about it at one point, and when asked if she would ever go back to her first love, television, she said that she and Marius have their projects and that there is not even anything that prevents them from appearing on the small screen

“It’s interesting that it’s a team effort, but I don’t feel like I’m working with my husband.” It’s not the kind of job you see with Marius all day. As everyone knows, Marius spends a lot of time in the recording studio, and I am in the office and in the field most of the time to organize many things. Fortunately, we don’t work in the same space. It is a matter of time I cannot say that, because at the moment we are involved with DeMoga Music and until we take it to a certain level, we cannot think about television ”, revealed Bianca Lăpuște, about the work that he has.
