How many people were vaccinated as of January 15, when the second stage of the campaign began


The first stage of the anti-COVID vaccination campaign in Romania, dedicated exclusively to medical personnel, ran until January 14, but will continue until the end of the month, in parallel with the second stage, which began on Friday January 15. In Romania, more than 183,000 people have already been vaccinated.

Thus, until January 15, 168,705 medical personnel had already been vaccinated since the estimated total of 250,000 people eligible for stage 1 vaccination. Means a proportion of 67.5 percent.

People eligible for stage 1 are healthcare professionals who have not recently experienced SARS-CoV-2 infection, have no medical contraindications, and are not isolated.

As of January 31 of this year, 42,765 stage 1 people are already scheduled for vaccination, which means that by the end of this month, 211,470 people could be vaccinated, that is 84.6% of the estimated total of medical personnel.

The first stage of vaccination began on December 27, 2020, but the pace picked up only after January 4.

As of January 15, with the start of vaccination activities for the population eligible for stage II, the vaccination campaign will be carried out at the same time as the immunization of people in stage I.

Therefore, at the moment, they are active in Romania. 309 centers with 413 vaccination points. Of these, 60 centers with 84 vaccination points are organized by the Ministry of National Defense (MApN) and 39 centers, with 45 vaccination points, by the Ministry of the Interior (MAI).

At the same time, the people admitted to the 1,884 medical-social and residential centers nationwide it will be immunized through mobile vaccination teams.

How many people were vaccinated on the first day of the second stage

On Friday, January 15, 2021, the second stage of the vaccination campaign began in Romania, dedicated to people over 65 years of age, people with chronic diseases and employees in essential social and economic areas.

On the first day of the second stage, however, there were an impressive number of registrations. Almost 200,000 Romanians signed up even the first day of the campaign. All places reserved for the people of Bucharest have been sold out in just a few hours, and a free spot will be available only in 20 days.

Authorities said Friday morning that the doses were scheduled to be delivered. during January-March of this year., can be vaccinated 1,650,904 people, from which 994,704 they will also receive the booster dose.

According to the data made available to the CNCAV by the National Institute of Public Health, through the application of the National Electronic Vaccine Registry (RENV), which maintains vaccination records, the situation on January 15 of this year, in now 17:00, It is as follows:

1. Number of people vaccinated against COVID-19 with the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine (in the last 24 hours) – 16,057.

2. Total number of people vaccinated against COVID-19 with the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine (as of December 27, 2020) – 183,669.

The vaccination center program ends at time 20:00, which is why the number of vaccinations carried out in the interval hours 17:00 – 20:00 it will be reflected in the next day’s report.

Among those who were vaccinated on Friday, January 15, was President Klaus Iohannis.

On Friday night, around 9:30 p.m., Digi24 found out, after an experiment carried out in the presence of the coordinator of the vaccination campaign, Valeriu Gheorghiță, that in Bucharest all the places assigned to program those of the second stage had been exhausted . In the absence of other measures, promised by the authorities, the next interval after which appointments could be made in Bucharest would be after 20 days, that is, next month.

There are no serious side effects.

The vaccinations that were made on Friday were recorded 68 reacții și minor common among the more than 16,000 vaccinated people, even:

– 24 local reactions;

– 44 general reacții.

The total of adverse reactions registered at the vaccination center level, as of December 27, 2020, is 661 common și minor, including:

259 local reactions with pain at the injection site;

402 general reacii (fever, headache, myalgias, arthralgias, asthenia, allergies to urticaria);

A reaction is being investigated.

Read also: A woman from Suceava recounted how she managed to get a free vaccine at the County Hospital: “When I left home, I didn’t think it was true.”

Raed Arafat says that people who are not in the second stage can also get vaccinated if there are unused doses left.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
