How many people should attend the Christmas and New Years parties. Arafat: You can’t put the maximum number in a man’s house. It is advisable to stay with the family – Essential


Raed Arafat says that the authorities cannot impose a maximum number of people to participate in the Christmas and New Year parties that take place in the homes of Romanians, but recommends that only those close to them, of the family, go there.

This is not a maximum number, no maximum number was entered here. Especially in the man’s house you cannot put the maximum number that is. What is recommended is that the world remain in the family, close immediately. That is, the ones you meet every day anyway, without a mask, without distancing yourself. That is, those close to you, with whom you stay with them. This is the recommendation, if we want to avoid any problems. Otherwise, if you want other friends to come to you, you have to at least respect the rules, in the sense that there must be distance, there must be a distant world, which is hard at home, we know that very well ”, said Arafat , in an interview for ProTV News.

Regarding the festive Christmas and New Year’s Eve meals that are organized in tourist accommodation units, the Secretary of State draws attention to the fact that hotel restaurants can operate at a certain capacity, which is determined by the incidence of Covid-19 infection in the locality.

“You know very well. Below 1.5 per thousand incidence, the capacity is at 50%. Between 1.5 and 3 per thousand, the capacity is 30%. And more than 3 per thousand, normally, only there are those who stay in the hotel. But the capacity of these locations cannot exceed 50%, “he said.

Romanians will spend the winter holidays with the restrictions adopted by the authorities amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The National Committee for Emergency Situations decided on Thursday to extend the state of alert in Romania, so the ban on driving after 11pm will remain in force.
