How long after vaccination do we become immune to Covid-19? The response of the coordinator of the vaccination campaign in Romania


A person vaccinated against the coronavirus begins to develop immunity about 14 days after the injection of the first dose, but the maximum benefits are obtained 7 days after the second dose, said Dr. Valeriu Gheorghiță, coordinator of the vaccination campaign at Romania. . The Covid-19 vaccine is administered in two doses approximately one month apart.

“From the studies carried out, the immune response begins to become protective approximately 14 days after the first dose, but the maximum benefits are obtained approximately 7 days after the second dose,” said Dr. Valeriu Gheorghiță, coordinator of the vaccination campaign. anti-Covid-19 from Romania.

The first tranche of Pfizer / BioNTech vaccines arrived in Romania on Friday and contains 10,000 doses that will be used to vaccinate medical personnel. In the coming days and in January, other sections will arrive for the vaccination of people in high-risk categories in Covid-19.

The first doses of vaccine arrived this morning at the Cantacuzino Institute. From here they will be distributed to 10 hospitals on the front lines of the fight against the pandemic. Prime Minister Florin Cîțu, Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu and DSU chief Raed Arafat are at the institute.

Editor: Adrian Dumitru
