“How is it possible that such ins, a political servant for years, lead the CCR?”


Cristian Tudor Popescu told Digi24 about the ECHR decision in the Kovesi case. The journalist criticizes the attitude of the RCC and says that it is necessary “to change the way in which the so-called judges of the RCC are appointed.” “Mr. Dorneanu is now washing his hands to the bone on this subject,” concludes the journalist.

Cristian Tudor Popescu: The ECHR’s decision is not about a few things. He does not speak of that perfect combination of ill will and stupidity which was the so-called “evaluation” of the Tudorel Toader specimen, made to Ms Kovesi, on the basis of which he dismissed her from office.

The ECtHR does not speak about the fact that this constitutional court, through the voice of Mr Dorneanu, is now washing its hands on this issue.

He does not speak of this great villainy committed by CCR in all its activity. Nor does the ECtHR decision speak of the savage way in which Ms. Codruța Laura Kovesi was persecuted, attacked, even when she was a candidate for the post she holds today, by the Romanian Government.

The ECtHR decision speaks of a very simple thing, that any Romanian can understand, that can sympathize with Mrs Kovesi or, on the contrary, does not like, beyond the rationality that I am trying to convey now through what that I say.

So, this simple thing is this: any citizen of this country, if he is fired, has the right to challenge this in court. This is a constitutional right. So, every citizen has this right, except one: Laura Codruța Kovesi.

So it was no longer a question of your quality as a prosecutor, DNA chief, as a magistrate. No sir, it was a fundamental human right to go to court when such a measure of dismissal is taken against him.

Who denied this right? This constitutional right was denied by the RCC.

Therefore, I think that the main measure that should be considered, as soon as possible, is to change the way in which the so-called RCC judges are appointed. Some of them are judges and lawyers, since I am a metropolitan.

They are all appointed politically, by various political groups and figures, and represent extralegal interests, outside the law, outside of justice and equity in court.

Therefore, it seems to me normal and common sense that these people, members of the RCC, are appointed by the will of the professional bodies of magistrates. And regarding the appointment and dismissal of magistrates, in the case of the appointment of Ms. Kovesi and the chief prosecutors, it will be done with the deliberative and non-advisory opinion, that is, the effective and important opinion of the SCM.

So, the minister proposes, for example, the firing of a chief prosecutor, but if the SCM, as recommended by the European Commission, says NO, then it is NO. It comes with another proposal.

The professional decision, of the professional body, must be important, it should not be optional and mocked, as was the case with Tudorel Toader, who transmitted to the presidency his decision to revoke, without waiting for the vote, as it was, advice, to the CSM.

This ECHR decision, beyond its European consequences, which Mrs Kovesi mentioned, is a condemnation in the eyes of all Romanian citizens of an era of primitive and horrible PSD aggression against justice.

Now, Mr. Dorneanu, Mr. “without garlic”, who did not eat and whose mouth does not smell … Hence a question arises: How is it possible that such ins, a political servant for years, lead this body that You have the right to life and death, without appeal, about everything that happens in Romania?

An organism that has systematically exceeded its powers, claiming the right to judge, for example, in the case of Ms. Kovesi.

The correct constitutional decision of this court led by Dorneanu was: “It is not our business.”

“It is not our job, it is not a constitutional conflict, that Justice governs.” Ms Kovesi also appealed to the Romanian Justice, that there was no need to appeal to the ECHR under these conditions, and the Justice ruled in favor of her dismissal, the dismissal of Ms Kovesi from her service, by Minister Toader .

That would have been a legally correct attitude, from CCR professionals.

Web editor: Liviu Cojan
