How Ilie Dumitrescu and Giovanni Becali lost all their money in the casino: “I got out of the taxi earlier, just to pay them”


The two went to a casino in England, but they lost almost all the money they had at the time. The former businessman kept a small amount for the taxi, but this was not enough, so he had to get off before arriving at the airport.

“We went to the casino. I lost 2,000-3,000-5,000 pounds. Elijah also lost cash, everything he had, and in the morning he had a plane to go to Frankfurt, on business. And I say .

40 pounds, Elijah says then. I stopped 50, to have it with me. Stop playing everyone, take a taxi. I got off a mile before the airport! There was a queue, there was traffic, it was 41, 42, 45, 46. I told him to stop there, to leave him a 3-4 pound bribe. And I walked a mile just to give him a bribe. “, said the former businessman, on the Fotbal Club program.

Ilie Dumitrescu explained why it did not prevail in England

Ilie Dumitrescu admitted, late last year, that she could have had a fabulous career in England if she had been mature enough. The former international impressed at World Cup 94, where he played against Argentina, and made it to Tottenham Hotpur of Steaua.

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There he spent only one season, unlike his friend, Dan Petrescu, who became a legend at Chelsea.

Live on the Football Club program, Ilie Dumitrescu explained why he did not win more in the Premier League.

“After the first game in Tottenham, at White Harte Lane, the fans bowed when I touched the ball! I started for the Spurs during the Ardiles period, I scored at Wembley against England and Milan was interested in me. Francis came and everything went If Ardiles stayed, I played 5 years for the Spurs.

When Trevor Francis arrived, I turned my back on him and answered him in the newspapers. That was my serious mistake! I was naughty! I was wrong: if I wasn’t a starter, I didn’t want to travel with the team, I didn’t care! Gica Popescu is a witness, Petrescu is a witness! “said the one with 4 goals scored on the Spurs’ jersey.

Tags: England , ilie dumitrescu , Giovanni Becali , cab , casino
