How great, in fact, the impact of the opening of schools will be on the evolution of the epidemic. Alexandru Rafila’s optimistic scenario


Opening the school will increase the number of cases. In an optimistic scenario, in which everyone follows the rules, the increase will be only 10%, Professor Alexandru Rafila, a member of the executive committee of the World Health Organization, told Digi24.

“I don’t think there will be any major changes in the next week, there may be a slight increase since the holidays are over, but there is no indication that the number of cases will increase exponentially. Probably a slight increase in the average incidence, up to around 90 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, the cumulative incidence at 14 days, but I do not think that more than 10% will change this parameter ”, explained Rafila, in Digi24.

VIDEO – Alexandru Rafila

President of the Society for Epidemiology: Most likely, cases will increase

In turn, Doina Azoicăi, president of the Romanian Society of Epidemiology, explained to Digi24 that the opening of the school and university years will determine frequent situations of risk of transmission.

“I do not expect that we are in a downward evolution, but if the methodologies are followed I hope at least to stay at this level.

Most likely, there will be an increase in contagion cases due to the beginning of school or university activity, but I hope they are not important, they will be kept under control.

Possible outbreaks can occur.

It is a priority that the situation is well monitored. Apart from the number of cases, we have to look at questions related to the number of patients in intensive care or the number of deaths, they can influence in some way the course of the health system, “explained Azoicăi.

VIDEO – Doina Azoicăi

Virgil Musta: There will be no risks

Dr. Virgil Musta, head of the infectious diseases department at Victor Babeș Hospital in Timișoara, says there will be “zero risks” when sending children to school and recommends that blood protocols be followed.

Dr. Musta wrote a message on Facebook about resuming classes and the risks that arise, according to Mediafax.

“It is good to understand from now on that there will be no risks in sending children to school, since in fact, even before this pandemic, no one could guarantee that by attending school children could not get sick from other communicable diseases (milder or more serious) or that they could not later transmit such diseases to family members, “Musta wrote on Facebook.

Read also:

LIST. The locations on the red stage, in which the school is conducted online only

MAP. The scenarios in which each locality in Romania is framed for the start of the school

Ludovic Orban: School starts on September 14. We never officially discussed the postponement until October 1.

Edited by Georgiana Marina
