How Donald Trump Defeated Covid in 13 Moves on Twitter


Donald Trump has constructed a defiant rhetoric on pandemic restrictions after becoming infected with the new coronavirus, to show Americans that he is not weak and does not allow himself to be defeated even in the face of the dreaded Covid-19. For three days, after being found infected, the US president posted 13 messages on Twitter in which he downplayed the severity of the virus, culminating with the discharge-winning message: “I feel better than 20 years ago,” and with the defiant gesture With which he removed his mask when he returned to the White House.

Trump drove a Secret Service car to greet his followers, not caring that it might infect the agents, and returned to the White House, even though he had not yet recovered, which affected his own health. but also that of others by violating the quarantine. From the first day of his illness, Trump tried to delay the announcement as much as possible, and when he had to, he tried to maintain the illusion of self-confidence, even though he already had mild symptoms of the disease.

Later, information confirmed by mistake from the White House itself showed that the American president had a high fever and sudden drops in oxygen levels, indicating a worsening of his condition. Immediately afterwards, he was taken to Walter Reed Medical Center. Trump’s return to the White House marks a new attempt by the US president to cultivate the idea that he has already beaten the coronavirus, as he says in the video and in the Twitter posts of the last hours. The images taken on the balcony of the White House show, however, a different image: Trump breathes shallowly, heavily, constantly tries to put on his jacket more comfortably and seems to have difficulty finding a suitable position.

Donald Trump confirmed on Twitter that he is confirmed with the new coronavirus on October 2. Since then, the American president has come to Walter Reed Medical Center after he began having symptoms of the disease, including fever and cough, but his symptoms have since improved. However, Trump did not give up making irresponsible statements on Twitter to minimize the disease or act in a way that endangers the health of those around him.

Armored Vehicle Ride During Quarantine

On Sunday, Trump left the hospital and drove a Secret Service armored car through the surrounding streets to greet his supporters and fans gathered outside the center. The president was sitting in the right rear seat and wearing a mask, as was the man in the front seat, probably a member of the security team.

Health experts have criticized Trump’s decision to violate the quarantine, with concerns that Secret Service agents who had contact with the president could have been infected.

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Donald Trump, greeting supporters in front of the hospital where he is admitted. Photo Source Profimedia Images

Earlier, Trump posted a video on Twitter announcing a “surprise” for his followers. “I will not tell anyone but you, but I am about to pay a little surprise visit. I could arrive before they see me,” Trump told supporters, saying he was impressed by the enthusiasm of these “patriots. “.

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Trump tells Americans “don’t be afraid of Covid” as 210,000 of them have already died

The irresponsible statements did not stop on Twitter either. The US president urged Americans to “not be afraid of Covid” after announcing that he would return to the White House, although he is still ill. The American president affirmed that “it feels better than 20 years ago”. However, not all Americans will be able to access the treatment available to the president of the United States, who will receive a cocktail of various drugs, to which the approximately 210,000 Americans who died from this disease did not have access.

“I’ll be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6 o’clock:30 P.M. I feel very good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it rule your life. We developed, under the Trump administration, some excellent drugs and knowledge. I feel better than 20 years ago, “Donald Trump wrote on Twitter.

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In his most recent tweet, the US president continued his usual rhetoric. He again compared Covid-19 to the flu and said that the coronavirus was “less lethal than the flu in most people.”

“Flu season is comingcome on! Many people die from the flu each year, sometimes more than 100,000, despite the vaccine. Are we going to close our country? No, we have learned to live with that, just as we will learn to live with Covid, which in most populations is much less lethal. “ Trump wrote on Twitter.

Furthermore, Trump considers himself an “invincible hero”, as shown by a tweet shared on his Twitter account:

SIt has been seen in the enthusiasm for the president since he left Walter Reed Hospital. It was seen on recordings (n. Red. – vote), from Florida to Pennsylvania and West Virginia, where Republicans are twice as numerous as Democrats. If the president returns to the field, in the campaign, he will be an invincible hero who has survived not only all the dirty tricks of the Democrats, but also the Chinese virus. Show America that you shouldn’t even be afraid”.

The first thing Trump did when he returned to the White House was remove his mask for a photo

From the balcony of the White House, the US president removed his mask to be photographed, after which he filmed a full video in which he urged people to “get out” and “not be dominated by the coronavirus.” Trump also said that the United States “has the best drugs” and reiterated that it feels “better than 20 years ago.”

Donald Trump, on the balcony of the White House, removes his protective mask
Donald Trump, suffering from Covid-19, sits on the White House balcony while removing his protective mask. Photo: Getty Images.

“I came out of Walter Reed Medical Center, it’s very special. I learned a lot about the coronavirus, and one thing is clear, don’t let it take over. Don’t be afraid of him, you will beat him, we have the best medical equipment, we have the best medicines, all recently developed. You will defeat it. I got to the hospital, I was not feeling very well, and two days ago I felt great, better than ever. Used to say it’s better than 20 years ago.

Don’t let it dominate you, don’t let it take control of your life. We are the largest country in the world. I go back, I go back to work. As their leader, I have to do this, I know it’s dangerous, but I have to. I’m up front, I drive. Any leader would have done that. Now I feel good, maybe I’m already immune, don’t let it dominate you. Get out, be careful, we have the best medicines in the world. The vaccines are coming soon, “Trump said in another video filmed at the White House immediately after his discharge.

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However, during filming, Trump doesn’t seem to feel as good as he claims. The American president breathes with difficulty, tries several times to catch his breath, but only manages to do it with visible difficulty and does not seem to find the right position.

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Publisher: Adrian Dumitru
