How do two charlatans from Sinaia make a fortune from a simple internet ad? The scam that prosecutors can’t stop


The two Sinaia criminals take advantage of Romanians’ appetites to buy used cars from Germany or other European countries, but they do not have the possibility to bring the car into the country.

Through a message posted on publi24, OLX or other similar sites, the charlatans caught dozens of Romanians who were left without money and without cars.

In the ad, the scammers recommend themselves as a “serious company” and promise that in just a few days they will be able to bring the ordered car to Romania, with the platform. I also ask for money for transportation for “inconvenience”, and the fare is not low at all. It varies depending on the value or size of the car that will be brought into the country and can go up to several thousand euros.

People, excited to be able to solve the problem in this way, pay in advance and wait for their car to arrive at the door, only this does not happen again. Only late, after lengthy discussions with the carriers explaining the delay, citing all kinds of reasons, be it the damaged platform or the closed car park, do they realize that they were misled.

Many of those who were stabbed decided to file a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Siniaia Court. There are dozens of such complaints in the works of Sinai prosecutors, and the criminals are always the same. The investigation runs its course, the parties are heard and then the case is sent to court where everything gets stuck.

In court, the parties reconcile. The scammer, seeing himself one step ahead of the prison, suddenly decides to pay the client for the damage caused, the man withdraws his complaint and the criminal trial ends without the offender receiving any punishment, not even a simple fine.

Because they know they have nothing to suffer and that not all stung customers file a complaint, the Sinaia scammers continue their business unhindered, even so, under the nose of investigators. According to judicial sources, among the charlatans he already has four cases of deception pending before the Court of Sinaia, each case with several victims. Most likely, everyone will end up reconciling the parties.

Prosecutors say that the German car business has grown so much domestically that one can talk about a phenomenon and ask people to be careful who they slap before giving them the money.

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