How China tried to hide the coronavirus epidemic


A 15-page document obtained by The Saturday Telegraph could be the basis of a lawsuit filed against China by other countries on how it handled the coronavirus epidemic.

The file, prepared by the secret services of the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand, shows that China’s concealment led to “an assault on international transparency,” the source quoted writes.

″ Despite evidence of person-to-person transmission of the virus since early December 2019, Chinese authorities have denied everything until January 20, 2020. The World Health Organization has done the same. However, Taiwanese officials have expressed concern over the existence of the virus since Dec. 31, 2019, and Hong Kong authorities since Jan. 4, 2020, ”the file quoted shows.

On January 14, a few weeks after the virus broke out, the World Health Organization tweeted: “Preliminary investigations by Chinese authorities have not led to evidence of human-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China “.

What words were censored from search engines?

The document also talks about the “disappearance” of doctors who tried to sound the alarm at Covid-19, the destruction of laboratory samples, or the refusal to provide evidence to researchers working on a vaccine.

The file reveals how China began censoring the information as of December 31.

Chinese authorities appear to have removed terms such as “SARS variation”, “Wuhan seafood market” and unknown Wuhan pneumonia from search engines.

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he was convinced that the new coronavirus originated from a Chinese virology laboratory, but declined to provide evidence.

When asked if he saw evidence that gave him a “high degree of conviction” that the virus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the President of the United States replied firmly:

“Yes, I saw it,” Trump said, but declined to comment. “I can’t tell you that. I’m not allowed to tell you that.”

The Chinese-backed Virology Institute in Wuhan has denied the allegations, and several US officials have downplayed the likelihood of such allegations. Most experts believe the virus originated from a market in Wuhan where wild animals are sold and passed from animals to humans.

Trump also called for China to be sanctioned, saying he plans to ask Beijing to pay billions of dollars in reparations for damage caused by the new coronavirus, which appeared in Wuhan.

“We are not satisfied with China, and the disease could have stopped at its source and not spread worldwide.” There are several ways to commit to your responsibility. We are conducting a very serious investigation into this matter, “Trump added.

A journalist asked him about an editorial in the German magazine Bild asking Beijing to pay for reparations worth $ 165 billion.

“We are talking about a lot more money. We have not yet established the final amount, but it is very high. There was no damage only in the United States, but throughout the world,” the White House said.

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