How Andreea Bălan really managed to overcome the separation from George Burcea. “Poof, I don’t have a husband anymore!”


Andreea Bălan did a new vlog in which the artist spoke to fans about the negative experiences in her life that made her stronger. Andreea Bălan also spoke about the separation from her husband, George Burcea.

How Andreea Bălan really managed to overcome the separation from George Burcea. “Poof, I don’t have a husband anymore!”

Andreea Bălan shared with fans the negative experiences she had in life. According to her, these experiences made her see life with different eyes. The star also spoke about the separation from George Burcea and why he missed this separation faster.

“And when everything seemed to be fine and I thought that, finally, I have a family, I also have a stable career, I overcame cardiac arrest, I am healthy, the children are healthy, everything is wonderful, fluffy, I no longer have a husband.” Ok, obviously life surprised me again, only I managed to better manage this separation because already going through some negative experiences, I managed to transform and build myself as a person and have a harmonious relationship with myself. and love myself.

“It is very important to love yourself”

As I was saying, it is very important to love yourself, not worry about what others say, to know yourself, why you are capable, what you can do, who are the positive parts of you, which are the negative parts, and automatically, when Knowing yourself, you realize that you cannot be responsible for the actions of the other. When a person no longer feels or wants to do other things that they disagree with, they have nothing to do, just let them do what they want because each person should be responsible for the life they have. . And, obviously, we all have a life, we have the right to live it as we want. So I accepted this negative experience much more easily now, compared to the other experiences, “Andreea Bălan said in the vlog on YouTube.
