Horoscope with Mariana Cojocaru for the week of September 13 to 19. Pisces is paralyzed, Taurus can be unfaithful



Mars has gone into retrograde motion in your constellation and sets the tone for the week for all the zodiac signs. As it is a karmic aspect, it is good to know that you will not be compatible with you either, that is Aries with Aries. It is an aspect of aggression, rare and not very simple … As Mars indicates to the young man, it is necessary to point out the aspects of compatibility that dethrone the myth of the “older man”.


Venus in Leo indicates that in our country the boys are totally ill-educated to live their life and be adventurous, then to marry. Why? Because once they get used to it, that’s how they work and get married.


Mars Retrograd will increase the tension and the rate of divorces, betrayals and separations. The Romanian myth of the older and more experienced man that I told you about earlier is completely false. Biologically, the man must be younger than the woman. Or in our country, when he marries a girl, obviously younger, his energies have been exhausted. This is why there are so many wives with gynecological problems in medical statistics.


The square of the Moon with Mars Retrograde gives incompatibility for the next period. Although there are many debates that say and encourage that the age difference between men and women should be greater in favor of men, I must tell you that this is not a universally valid rule at all.


Mars now retrograde in Aries (fire sign) cuts off things related to love, action (career, business) and compatibility. Be very careful in relationships, whether the man is young or old.


The solar progressions are now dethroned by the resonance of Mars Retrograd with Lilith of Aries, which should make you much more analytical and objective when it comes to love, marriage, career, acts (justice), etc.


Create great tensions in your relationships, with separation and risk of divorce (incompatibilities). But also in the race: collaborations, associations.


If next week Mars retrograde, one of the astral patterns, now opens, resonating with Lilith (the second astral pattern), your love will go through a remarkable existential earthquake.


The tensions generated by the presence of the Karmic Axis squared with Neptune in Pisces call your entire existence into question. Whether we are talking about the partner (love), past or present relationships, accumulated sins in Karma, professional or business development and understanding of the life mission received at birth, family, health, child guidance, etc. Blocks for some, balances for others. Possibly adultery.


If he kept telling Libra about the main astral aspects present in the cardinal signs with Mars Retrograde, he dismantled the compatibility myth considered MANDATORY in Romanian culture through which the muse man must be older.


An atypical aspect (Mars Retrograd-Lilith), makes this Horoscope equally atypical, especially when it comes to compatibility (love). Take good care of your relationships!


Health is a priority next week, due to the central aspect generated by a retrograde Mars in resonance with the Black Moon: you or someone in the family. For love, I was already saying what conflicts it can generate in the other signs, and the race requires orientation and reorientation, because it seems to be at a dead end. Socio-political conflicts that are intensifying not only in our country, but also internationally.

source: kfetele.ro.
