Horoscope for April 30. The sign that reaches the end of its powers. An extremely demanding day.



You ask others to respect you in an exaggerated way. You will be accused of being too arrogant.


Mercury approaches Uranus, which will change his communication style.


You spend a lot of time with older regrets. I don’t give you peace, but you also don’t do anything to get out of the state, writes dcnews.ro.


You don’t know where the money is going. That you haven’t chosen anything lately.


You complain about nothing, nothing suits you. Only in this way can you attract the attention of colleagues or superiors.


At work, you try to stop teaching a project. You know it needs some more improvement.


You talk too much and you tire those around you. The truth is that you don’t feel well and you don’t know how to calm down.


You analyze your partner and discover gestures that make you uncomfortable in the first phase. But you will come to accept them.


This is one of those days when you keep quiet instead of saying something stupid.


Jupiter has drifted away from Pluto, so the desire to control everyone is dwindling. Avoid being indiscreet.


You meet people with common passions and interests. You can’t wait to go out with them.


At work, emotions have no place. So don’t try to victimize yourself to gain the compassion of your colleagues.
