Horoscope for 2021, with Neti Sandu. The signs that make money in the year of Aquarius


Jupiter has entered Aquarius, promises a beautiful year, but some rules will still be upheld. Saturn is there too, and it’s not a typical year, the year of Aquarius, just with Jupiter in Aquarius, but with Jupiter and Saturn.

Everything that will happen this year revolves around this combination, and there is another combination, at least at the beginning, Mars, Uranus, in the sign of Taurus, explained the astrologer Neti Sandu, live on “ȘtirilePROTV”.

“These pairs of conjunctions will be in a certain tension at the beginning of the year but then we go on this air wave, because Aquarius is an air sign with ideas, universality, philanthropy, creativity.

Aquarius is favored in 2021 because they are forced by circumstances to do very good things, which are a consequence of what they have done so far, and if they have not followed the inner path, they will somehow be tense by Saturn, which is austere , forces you to apply the rule.

It will be a trend of progress and stagnation. We don’t break the rules, but we will be much more mentally free, which means that there will no longer be that “fear in the bones” that I experienced with Saturn in Capricorn. Saturn is the patron of Capricorn and it stayed for three years, until last year, and Jupiter came along and sweetened it.

Freedom of thought awaits us, here is a spiritual dimension, we get rid of the materiality of Capricorn and move to the highest level, Aquarius, he is with ideas of genius, and we can escape to this spiritual world, somehow “ Neti Sandu explained.

Cosmin Stan: If we had to look at the country as a whole, what awaits us?

Neti Sandu: “Romania has this sign as a sign Aquarium with the ascendant in Cancer, and Aquarius promises greater freedom and attention to save those who are in difficulty, if we follow the idea of ​​Aquarius with philanthropy, with foundations, to take care that everyone is well. It will surely show this somehow for Romania and there will be some more restrictions, after which Saturn will stay for another two years and then it will be something else, in my opinion they have a hard time.

Horoscope of the year 2021. The signs that know the success of this year

RAM He’s going to worry about investments, he’s hatched something while Mars has been with him and he’s going to have money and it’s a very high risk to spend recklessly, but he’s gained a lot of energy and he knows what to do with it this year.

by Bull, They are two tougher months, those at the beginning of the year, because the two conjunctions are at war, in Taurus we have Mars and Uranus, in a battle with Saturn and Jupiter and if it were only the year of Aquarius without Saturn, I would have had only hits . And with money, there are possibilities, because then Mars moves to the house of money, in Gemini, and then Taurus will have some collateral sources from which to get money in addition to salary. It’s not that expensive, you keep the money.

Gemini for Geminis we speculate on this dimension of air, the vibration of air. There is the equilateral triangle of the air of Aquarius, which gives the note-Gemini-Balance.

River crab You have to think about your investments, it is very suspicious, but this Jupiter-Saturn combination gives you confidence to invest. And pay attention to health, because there is also a health house there.

Lion You have this Jupiter-Saturn combination in your partner’s house, so that means you can find alliances, you work from home, you go to another country, you find people to collaborate with. You can get married if that’s what you want.

The Twins, They can also get married, because this dimension is activated and Mars forces the note, that is, you, at this moment, do not know what you will do in March-April, but March will show you then. The restrictions will likely be lifted too, and the restaurants and twins will have the confidence to do the right thing, Neti added.

Virgin She has a lot of work at work, but also satisfactions, she handles that anyway, with work, it is vocational, and her health is not a joke for the virgin, she has to do some research.

Libra you should rejoice because it brings something new to the house of love, creativity, things to do with pleasure, because it is part of the equilateral triangle of air, which will benefit Libra, otherwise it will feel It is the other aspects that nobody it falls apart, but it is a great thing that it is the year with the vibration of the air for balance.

by Scorpion, Two things are important: that this combination of Taurus, Mars-Uranus forces Scorpio to do something in the partnership-boss-leadership chapter, and there will be some friction and you will have to make decisions very soon. After that you will do something with the house, maybe you want to improve something there, move, rent.

by drilling It is a possibility to develop communication, to take it to another level, to censor oneself more, because frankly it does not solve much, and then Jupiter, who is the owner of Sagittarius, is in the house of communication and censorship.

Capricorn you will have the Aquarius combination in the money house, so you may have an additional source of income or a salary increase

Cosmin Stan: Shall we resume our travels this year?

Neti Sandu: “I would say that they are resuming, I don’t know how all this work is going to be done at all levels, but I know that it is a lightness of movement, that’s how I translate. Vaccination, and this perspective frees us mentally, we no longer have that fear that has instilled in us since the beginning of the year, that it is a pandemic, be careful, mask, etc., and that enters your bones, your bone marrow. The idea that the vaccine is coming, that we are freeing ourselves, and maybe we are not wearing the mask, I also say … “
