Horia Tomescu (USR PLUS) and Stelian Bujduveanu (PNL) are the new deputy mayors of the Capital


The General Council of the Capital met this Monday, with the election of the vice mayors of the capital being on the agenda. After the negotiations for the formation of the new government, Vlad Voiculescu is on the books of the Ministry of Health, which is why he did not run for the post of deputy mayor, he said before the local elections.

Update 14:00 Horia Tomescu (USR PLUS) and Stelian Bujduveanu (PNL) are the new deputy mayors of the Capital, according to the vote cast at Monday’s meeting of the Bucharest General Council.

Of the total of 52 votes cast, 4 were annulled. Stelian Bujduveanu (PNL) received 33 votes in favor, Horia Tomescu (USR PLUS) 32 votes in favor, Florentina Gherghiceanu (PSD) – 15 votes, Anca Raiciu (PSD) – 12 votes.

General Councilor Vlad Voiculescu announced this Monday, at the beginning of the CGMB meeting, that Horia Tomescu is the USR PLUS group’s proposal for the post of Deputy Mayor of the Capital.

Vlad Voiculescu will be replaced by Horia Tomescu of USR PLUS, while the second deputy mayor will be Stelian Bujduveanu, general counsel of PNL.

Vlad Voiculescu will be proposed to the Minister of Health in the Government of Cîțu, announced USR PLUS co-president Dacian Cioloș at Digi24.

Also on the agenda at today’s meeting is the appointment of Bucharest representatives at the general shareholders’ meetings of 28 companies.

The meeting started with a scandal, after PSD councilors refused to leave the hall and got into a fight with the mayor general, Nicușor Dan. The dispute between the mayor and the PSD councilors began after their refusal to participate online in the meeting, for health reasons.

Publisher: RK
