Horia Brenciu reacted after the scandal created by Dan Bittman


More and more people in the entertainment world are defending Dan Bittman after his controversial statements. Horia Brenciu reacted after the scandal created by Dan Bittman. The ProTv star claims he knows why the band’s soloist Holograf would, in fact, have made such statements.

Horia Brenciu, unexpected reaction after the scandal created by Bittman

Dan Bittman unleashed a real uproar with the statements related to the spread of the coronavirus in Romania. The singer’s recent public appearances have drawn much criticism. In addition to the negative reactions to him, Bittman also had a following. Not only in ordinary people, but also in the art world. Florin Chilian or Connect-R are just two stars who wanted to express their solidarity with the soloist of the band Holograf.

Recently, Horia Brenciu joined them. The reaction of the “Mask Singer” jury is different from the previous ones. He’s not one of those who finds anti-COVID restrictions abusive, but he understands why Dan Bittman made those remarks.

Horia Brenciu has an explanation for Dan Bittman's departure

Horia Brenciu has an explanation for Dan Bittman’s departure

Brenciu spoke on the subject in “Vitalie Interviews” and tried to offer an explanation of what his colleague said:

Dan Bitman and I have a long friendship. I know many things about his life. I’m not the man to delete you from the phone because you voted with someone I can’t stand. A relationship has developed between us that no statement from you can combat. He says some things fully motivated by the frustration he has accumulated. 7 months ago, I wouldn’t have said that because it didn’t feel like that. It’s your opinion, what all the artists I know think, it’s their opinions. I do not fall into the trap of this subject in which they have fallen. I want to talk about the soul, about love. It doesn’t help me fall into this trap. Think that the pandemic will end. This will end. The Romanian people forget, in 2-3-4 years “, believe Brenciu.

Dan Bittman, controversial statements

Horia Brenciu reacted to the scandal created by Dan Bittman after the latter declared himself an opponent of the measures taken in the coronavirus pandemic.

“I doubt the amount of evidence reported! Life fights against this aberrant news. I go out and out during the pandemic. I see people, I talk to them. I saw news that showed me people who were sitting one on top of the other in Vama Veche, in Costinesti. We should have died a long time ago. We should have had hundreds of thousands of cases … It’s a flu, not a pandemic. “Bittman said.
