Homicide investigation of the woman who died in “Victor Babeș” after being accidentally extubated by an orderly


Suspicious death at the “Victor Babeș” Hospital in Bucharest, in the case of a patient admitted to the intensive care unit for Covid-19 patients.

The death occurred after a stretcher disconnected the patient from the oxygen source.

The investigators, notified by the hospital management, have opened a criminal case and are now awaiting the result of the autopsy.

The woman who lost her life was in a state of extreme gravity, intubated and mechanically ventilated.

An orderly man allegedly mistook the patient for another person who died and disconnected her from the devices that kept her alive.

The manager of the health institution, Professor Emilian Imbri, says that he initiated an internal investigation in this case and reported the incident because that is the procedure.

By law, the hospital is obliged to notify the police when a patient loses his life for reasons other than medical ones.

On the other hand, ATI specialists say that it was not the job of an orderly to extubate a patient. This is handled by those with special training.

Thousands of Covid-19 patients were rescued in “Victor Babeș”

Usually the task is for the nurses on duty. The role of an orderly is only to transport the deceased from the ward to the hospital morgue.

Dra. Elena Copaciu, ATI specialist: “There is an agreed procedure in the hospital, the support of vital functions is stopped when death is declared, the patient remains 2 hours in the place where the support of vital functions was stopped and, when they go to the morgue, it is the duty of the assistant to shift handles intubation tubes and other devices that are assembled to be removed and transported to the morgue“.

Shortly after the unofficial information appeared, the Police confirmed that the Homicide Service is investigating the death of the patient hospitalized at the Victor Babeș Hospital. The circumstances in which the woman died are not yet known.

The truth is that we are talking about a suspicious death, so the investigations are being carried out under the supervision of a prosecutor and an autopsy has been ordered.

The Víctor Babeș Hospital for Infectious Diseases in the capital is one of the main health units where, since the beginning of the pandemic, patients infected with SARS-VOC 2 have been treated.

So far, thousands of people have been rescued in this medical unit.
