Historical change in education in Romania. History and geography disappear


Florinel Agafiței, a history teacher and writer at Focșani, drew attention to a strange situation that will be put into practice from the next school year (2021-2022). Thus, History and Geography will disappear as independent disciplines and will merge under the name of Social Studies.

The teacher is very upset and says that for years they have tried to reduce the hours of these two basic subjects, so that now this profound change takes place. This will mean that a teacher will teach several disciplines, and the effect will be related to the inevitable reduction in the number of teachers specialized in both History and Geography.

“You realize how the history of the Romanians melts”

“What do you do when, in the midst of social upheaval, certain people take the name of millenary science from school subjects: History? And do they stack it together with others, called, together, Social Sciences?

What’s more: what do you do when you notice how others, less numerous, maintain this right, calling themselves, say, the discipline their children study, History of Minorities and Traditions of that minority? You realize how the History of Romanians merges into the vast agglomeration of Social Sciences and you wonder why… You also wonder when it comes to geography, but not only, ”said Professor Florinel Agafiței.

Knowledge imbalance

He also points out that we want to significantly reduce the endowment of individual knowledge, “creating the new man”, focused on certain niches such as computing, banking, sports to the detriment of the arts, literature, history, geography.

“At the government meeting, an Emergency Ordinance was approved, by which we expanded the application of the change in the number of hours in the classroom for all classes and we will begin this school year with the preparatory class. So, starting with the preparatory class, we will reduce the number of hours in the classroom and present the new framework plans for primary education.

Soon, the specialists of the Ministry of Education will present these new framework plans, we will put them in public debate, “said Anisie, in Parliament,” said Monica Anisie, Minister of Education, in August.
