His Eminence Theodosius continues the attacks on Catholics: “They do not regret it, that’s why they usually share” VIDEO


The Archbishop of Tomis resumed the attacks on Catholic believers in a program on Radio Dobrogea (the radio of the Archdiocese), which took place on Thursday, Christmas Eve.

His Eminence Theodosius spoke about the way Catholic believers share.

“I know that Westerners took the model from which they should not have taken it. They have no regrets, which is why they often share. I heard great Orthodox say, “Well, if Catholics share, how can we not share?” Well, they are not the size of regret. They also share four times a day. That is all they can share. A Catholic priest can do four liturgies, because he does not need fasting, fasting, because they have changed the order. And do we then follow those who have changed the apostolic ordinance? ”.

Dobrogea Live journalists note that His Eminence Theodosius is a supporter of the communion of Orthodox believers once every 40 days. In this context, when a believer asked him why it cannot be shared more often, the hierarch invoked the canons, but also invoked Mary of Egypt, who shared three times in his life according to the hierarch, but also the prophet Moses who he fasted twice for 40 days to receive the Tablets of the Law at Mount Sinai.

His Eminence Theodosius was also in public view after he declared, also on a radio program, that it is a “great sin” for an Orthodox to go to a Catholic church. The Romanian Patriarchate, through its spokesman Vasile Bănescu, contradicted the bishop of Constance at the time, stating that “prayer has no confessional or other borders … Ancient theological differences cannot block our access to any part of this world to God through prayer that elevates us above them ”.

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese immediately reacted to Theodosius’ statement, and the spokesperson wrote on Facebook that: Catholic, known to be the special situation of the West.

VIDEO: Dobrogea Live

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