Heavyweights have gotten high in America! Everything was filmed. The bomb of the decades in Romania


The inflammatory comment was launched in the Sports Gazette studio, within the online program “Friends of Ovidiu” (no. Ovidiu Ioaniţoaia).

In the explosive edition that will be broadcast on Wednesday night, starting at 8:00 p.m., the famous 75-year-old artist recounted an incredible episode of his career.

He did it very relaxed, with the hand of a man who realizes that it was just an isolated experience generated by enormous curiosity.

Drug assisted by friends

Without detailing in what year the terror occurred, Tudor Gheorghe only said that it all happened in the United States of America (USA).

It happened on Long Island, the famous island in the state of New York, where there are two neighborhoods and two suburbs of New York City.

“Teacher, I heard you have a strange but interesting history from the United States. What did you do?
– It was an experience! I was at a friend’s house on Long Island. We met one night with two doctors who also left Romania.

It was about drugs and stuff. I told him that I saw how much they felt sorry for his mother… And they asked me: “Do you want to see how she is?” Curiosity, of course! She was a hero. And they injected me “, is shown at the beginning of the dialogue between Ovidiu Ioaniţoaia and Tudor Gheorghe.

They also filmed him when he was taking drugs.

Following the reveal that is sure to wake up many echoes in the Romanian show business, the acclaimed singer-songwriter revealed that it was recorded.

Of course, it all happened at his request, as he was curious to see in the end how he reacted to the effect of the toxic drug, a derivative of morphine.

“Did you leave yourself in his hands?”
– Ovidio, the madness was that I made them film me. I talked to them, I became fickle, but once the movie was over.

I went to sleep, in this typical American house, the living room on the ground floor and the bedrooms on the upper floor.

I went upstairs, but instead of lying down in the bedroom, I undressed and lay down in the tub.

I shook his hand, the last image he had seen was snowing. It was all money, it was crazy, ”the artist also told the renowned sports journalist.

They offered him another dose of heroin

When he woke up, the artist said he felt very bad. So bad that he never felt so bad again.

Basically, Tudor Gheorghe’s biggest problem at the time was related to excruciating migraines.

Those who assisted him when he took heroin drugs had experience and expected such a problem, for the solution of which they proposed two “cures”.

“Did you sleep in the bathtub?”
– I woke up thirsty and hungry for sweets that Em Emil had written to me on a piece of cardboard: “You have ice cream cake! Coca Cola. “I woke up with a headache!

