Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu on the cause of the fire: “There are two clues” UPDATE


TO UPDATE: The Minister of Health, Vlad Voiculescu, declared, on Friday, on Antena 3, that the Pipera modular hospital was closed because there was no longer a problem with the number of places for patients with COVID.

“Pipera hospital is closed by decision of Victor Babeş management. At Victor Babeş there were more than 60 vacancies in the morning (Friday morning – no). I checked this with the management there in case Matei’s patients Balş should be transferred. We are not talking about lack of capacity at the moment in Bucharest. That is why the Pipera modular hospital could be closed. As for the situation in hospitals, this cannot magically change, “said Voiculescu.

When asked about the existence of an air heater in a room, from where the fire broke out, Voiculescu said that “improvisations of any kind” should not happen again.

“You asked me if there was a stove there. I think things have to be differentiated and that we should have standards for all hospitals in Romania and that improvisations of any kind should no longer take place. At least from now on we will no longer have improvisations, that is. It means, as I said, professional people to do things well at the hospital level and fewer party companies and fewer acquisitions that will lead to party companies, ”the Health Minister replied.

Voiculescu also said that he is aware of the problems with poor heating in Bucharest hospitals and even spoke to Mayor Nicuşor Dan, but the situation cannot be resolved “by magic”.

“Obviously, we had these discussions (with Nicuşor Dan – no.) And the discussions did not start yesterday, today. Obviously, everyone knows what the problems are related to thermal energy. There are old problems that have not yet been solved. Just last week we were talking as you say about the problem of the Colentina and Matei Balş hospitals, which were left without heating. As you say, people managed the best they could. Obviously, this can cause misfortune. (…) Nicusor Dan can’t magically solve. Thermoenergetics has somewhat older problems. At the moment, to my knowledge, there are no problems with the heating, “Vlad Voiculescu also said.

UPDATE 10:23Asked in Digi24 if a heating source would have caused the fire on Friday morning, the Health Minister said: “I have no information that there were other sources of heating in the building than natural ones, but we need an investigation.”

When also asked if he had discussed this with the doctors, Voiculescu reiterated that he had no information that the heating source had been needed or supplemented in the building, but knew that the hospital had suffered from a lack of capacity. A Thermoenergetics to deliver heat.

Furthermore, Voiculescu stated that the “Matei Balş” Hospital did not lack funding and had stable management: “The situation is very different from Piatră Neamţ. We are talking about relatively robust funding. We need to see the causes. Investments have been made. almost constantly. ”

Asked about the four fires in hospitals in recent months and what to do, the Minister of Health replied that it is not good to generalize, because the causes of the fires were very different, “but yes, the hospital infrastructure is the result of a long row”. of lack of funds, this is the truth. Shopping centers were built, other buildings, less hospitals. ”

In the short term, specialists can only make sure there are no more fires, “to the extent that it depends on the people there. In general, it also depends on the care of the people who work in that hospital. There are responsibilities and responsibilities. ”


“It just came to our knowledge then. Coming from Matei Balş I saw the building. Obviously it was a violent fire. (…) There are 2 clues: a specific problem, an individual error (…) it is our duty to look at the errors of the I am waiting to see the control reports that have been made, I have requested all these reports from the last 6 months “, said the Minister of Health.

Regarding the patients evacuated from the ward where the fire broke out, the Health Minister stated that: “Not all are in serious condition. According to my information, there are four patients in serious condition in Balş. Some 40 patients have been transferred to other hospitals in Bucharest. There are extra seats. In Victor Babeş, at least 60 places ”.

On Friday morning, a fire broke out in a building at Matei Balş Hospital. About 120 patients were evacuated. Authorities initially announced three victims and one seriously ill patient was intubated, but also died.

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