HE Theodosius, on the anti-Covid vaccine: There are so many situations in which it has produced undesirable effects / We cannot be impressed by the authorities who want to urge vaccination / On public vaccines: “We do not know what to vaccinate with” – Coronavirus


The Archbishop of Tomis, His Eminence Theodosius, told Agerpres on Wednesday that as long as there are many unknowns about the COVID 19 vaccine and experts disagree, it would be too bold of you as a pastor to promote the vaccine. “as the objective reality of the moment” and urge people to get vaccinated.

“For any disease, vaccination is a remedy, a fight against the disease. The vaccine must be, but the vaccine must be safe. This time there are so many unknowns, the vaccine still has no determination of side effects and there are already so many situations” . in the world where it has produced undesirable effects and people are confused. Rumors circulate widely, people do not have complete information and do not know how to discern what is true and why it is not true. I, like any pastor who preaches the undoubted truth about Christ and of salvation, of forgiveness, and this truth is absolute, we cannot be entrepreneurs of the authorities who want to urge vaccination with closed eyes, because what we say must be 100% valid. “because the vaccine didn’t work,” His Eminence Theodosius told Agerpres.

The Archbishop of Tomis affirms that it is for science and for vaccination, but this must be proven, and as long as the specialists in the matter contradict themselves, it would be too audacious of him to stand above them and urge vaccination without reservation.

“We have seen how many opinions are of doctors and specialists, so we need to know the reality. Some people are demonstratively vaccinated in public. We do not know what they are vaccinated with. We do not sit next to them to see what they put there. There are so many people that I suspect that this demonstrative vaccination may be different, the vaccine is necessary if it is very favorable to combat the disease and does not have side effects, as long as we do not know the effects we have reservations, people are not informed, there is no common logic, understanding of specialists, the specialists contradict themselves and then we should be above the specialists, it would be too much of our own courage, that is why we reserve the right to promote this vaccine, not as a principle, but as an objective reality of the moment. “Then you don’t have to ask us more, “said His Eminence Theodosius.

The Archbishop of Tomis expressed his hope that 2021 will be a year of faith strengthening.

“That is why we hope that the year we go through tomorrow night will be a year of strengthening the faith of God and of a stronger victory over the evil one. Let us ask God for help and He will never deny us. God remains. The same, never It changes, it is immutable, and when we have Him in our lives, we are the strongest, let’s start the year 2021 with great hope, with the desire to defeat the devil in all his manifestations in which he wants to bring us the seed of discord. and of enmity, overcome diseases, overcome our weaknesses, stand firm, with living and confessing faith, ”HE Hisodosio transmitted.

We remind you that on Friday the first symbolic installment of 10,000 doses of the anti-COVID vaccine developed by BioNtech-Pfizer arrived in Romania. The COVID-19 vaccine is given in two doses every three weeks. Vaccination is free and voluntary.

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