“He must be very, very busy”


NLP leaders criticized on Wednesday the Health Minister spending too much time on Facebook, where he still claims that the infection rate with Covid is misreported, after Vlad Voiculescu posted a comment on the Facebook page of Violeta Alexandru, who had written that her statements concern the population.

The Minister of Health must lead the fight against the pandemic, support the vaccination process, prepare projects for the PNRR, must seek approval of all procurement projects requested by hospitals and financed with European funds, must be very, very busy . Do not comment on a comment. The method of calculating the incidence rate was known throughout the period. We had with the support of STS the Coronaforms application in which all the data is located and that cannot be modified in any way ”, said the president of the PNL, Ludovic Orban, in Parliament, suggesting that he advises Voiculescu not to spend so much time on Facebook , as all dignitaries should do: “I didn’t have time to read the comments. (…) I am a busy man, I am a man who has an activity that I cannot allow myself and that is how any man who holds public office should be ”.

The leader of the NLP deputies, Florin Roman, also declared, on Antena 3, that Vlad Voiculescu should be removed from his post, to have more time to deal with his presence on social networks.

“I think it is time for the prime minister to send Voiculescu to watch on social media. I think he should receive an ultimatum,” said Florin Román.

Publisher: AVD
