He has a fatal disease! He is a great and beloved Romanian actor. Let’s pray for him


Mălăele learned of the terrible news just before leaving for the Romanian Film Nights Gala in Iaşi, an event scheduled for a few days.

Finally, given the positive results regarding the dreaded infectious disease, the actor had to decline the invitation of the organizers.

At the event scheduled for more than 3 people in Iasi, Horaţiu Mălăele was to be honored along with other well-known names from Romanian cinema.

Everything would have happened during the Inaugural Gala of the 11th edition of the Romanian Cinema Evenings.

Mălăele and the information campaign

As is known, Horaţiu Mălăele supported the information campaign on the risks of the coronavirus pandemic.

He was one of the personalities who appeared carrying leaflets with the messages “#staiacasa” or “stay at home”.

Well-known names from various fields also participated in the respective campaign, such as Gheorghe Hagi, Cristi Chivu, Gică Popescu, Ilie Năstase, Smiley and Florin Chilian.

Valentin-Horaţiu Mălăele is 68 years old and, in addition to his acting profession, he is also known for his activities as a director, cartoonist and writer.

Horaţiu Mălăele made his debut in 1974

In Bucharest, the actor arrived in a moment of glory of the Romanian theater. and had his first role in 1974 at Cassandra Studio.

Later, he played Fabinard in the play “Florentine Hat”, written by Eugène Labiche, directed by Ovidiu Schumacher.

The roles continued on the stage of the Piatra Neamţ Youth Theater, where he was encouraged and supported by the director Cătălina Buzoianu.

photo explanation: Victor Rebengiuc and Horaţiu Mălăele, the actors who played the character of Ilie Moromete in the two films dedicated to the novel Moromeţii, by Marin Preda.

The news is updated. We will be back with additional information on the actor’s health as soon as possible.

To make sure you don’t miss the latest information on the topic “Horaţiu Mălăele-Covid 19”, please come back with an update.

photo source

source: truth
