“He gave me a goal and I quit that night” / “Sorry, Uncle Sorin!”. Sparkling dialogue between Cârțu and Dănciulescu


The event took place in 2003, when Sorin Cârțu trained Craiova University.and Ionel Dănciulescu evolved in his attack dynamo. Oltenia lost the match in his own field, scoring 0-1, the only goal scored by current analyst Digi Sport.

The goal scored by Dănciulescu was fatal for Cârțu, who decided to leave Bănie’s club immediately after the respective match.

The dialogue between Sorin Cârțu and Ionel Dănciulescu, at Fotbal Club:

Sorin Cârțu: “Dănciulescu gave me a goal and that night I resigned. In 2003! They beat us 1-0, in Craiova. I was at Dinamo”
Ionel Dănciulescu: “I didn’t know you were quitting. Sorry, Uncle Sorin!”
Sorin Cârțu: “I said if Dinamo beat me at home, then there was no point in staying. It was the match when the best player was his Belgian goalkeeper. In the end, Ionel shot me.”

Sorin Cârțu: I had to take Dănciulescu to the university

The current president of Craiova says he regrets that he was unable to bring Ionel Dănciulescu to Bănie.

The striker evolved early in his career to Electroputere Craiova, and then went to Bucharest, where he played for the Giants dynamo and star.

“Dănciulescu caused me problems in the sense that I couldn’t take him to my team when I was a coach. At university I had to take him, but he left Electroputere and took him on those roads with Steaua and dynamo.

I didn’t catch him on Electropower. When I was there, it was too small. Then he came to Electroputere and from here he went to Dinamo and Steaua “, Cârțu also said.

Tags: dynamo , Craiova University. , ionel danciulescu , sorin cartu
