He doesn’t even answer the phone


“It has been immediately 100 days since the elections. Normally, I should have come before you, the more than 176,000 people who voted for us, with a balance, together with the independent mayor supported by USR PLUS and PNL, and with the deputy mayor chosen by PNL. I would have liked to be able to talk with you about a consolidated team, about the measures for Bucharest and for the health system here. This is not the case, unfortunately, and it is not my fault or that of USR PLUS. today (Monday – no) We have elected deputy mayors. I avoided publicly commenting on issues related to the way the team voted by the people of Bucharest worked, or rather, it did not work. In general, nothing can be built without trust. And when the person you’re running with doesn’t answer their phone for more than a month after Election Night … it’s not a good sign. But I won’t elaborate on this. Maybe we just have different styles. You and approaches, I respect him and wish the mayor general success, “wrote Vlad Voiculescu on Facebook on Monday.

He says he wishes Nicusor Dan success, who “wanted this at all costs” because the success of the current administration is critical to the future of this city and millions of people.

“So I understand, again, to take a step back and I sincerely hope that things will remedy,” says Voiculescu, implying that Nicusor Dan was the one who did not want him deputy mayor.

The leader of PLUS Bucharest said he accepted the appointment by USR PLUS to the position of Minister of Health and will attend hearings in Parliament in the coming days convinced that the position of Minister of Health can serve the interests of Romanians in this critical moment.

“I hope I will have time in the Ministry of Health to carry out the reforms and projects that we need so much,” added Voiesculescu.

He explains the recent decisions, in which he resigned, one by one, various positions and candidacies.

“I like to believe that in all the decisions made in recent years I have pursued the public good, although not infrequently this has been accompanied by personal expenses. I did not run for the European elections because I had already announced my candidacy for the Bucharest City Council. I no longer ran for the General City Council in the local elections, considering that the people of Bucharest are interested in me withdrawing to support a single candidate against Gabriela Firea and the PSD. I did not stand for the parliamentary elections because I thought we could form a team for Bucharest. I am retiring now, with my heart not at all at peace (and yes, I really understand the criticisms on this issue), but with the confidence that my energy can have a much more important impact, even for the Capital, from the position of Minister of Health “, also wrote Vlad. Voiculescu.

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